Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 41: Navigating Through Conflicts

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago
How do you manage to stay calm during an argument?

Conflict is a disagreement between two or more persons. As long as the earth remains conflict will never cease but conflict can be managed as not to result into war or something else.

There has been several times when i had conflict with my friends and even other persons. Before now i respond back when am angry but i realized that that's not the best way to resolve issues as me responding will only make matters worse.


Why is it important to listen carefully during a disagreement?

Many at times what causes disagreement are little things that can be avoided if handled properly. During a disagreement it's not just about you and what was done to you. Many at times we focus on us refusing to see from the other person's point of view.

It is important to listen during a disagreement to understand where the all issue is coming from and keeping quiet to listen will make you understand the whole situation and how to go about resolving it without it resulting to something else.


How does understanding someone else's feelings help in resolving conflicts?

There was a time i had issues with a friend we got angry and yelled at each other. After quarrelling i felt bad and went to apologize to her. She too was sorry and explained to me the reason she behaves the way she does and are intentions behind it. She really took out time to explain to me, after that day we barely have issues anymore.

Anytime she does something base on my knowledge now i just over look it and play about it. We have been able to understand each other so we barely have issues anymore. I got to understand her feelings and the things i was doing wrong that she did not like, it enabled me to adjust.

That's the power of understanding. Alot of conflicts can be resolved if the parties involved will put themselves aside and try to see the pain of the other person or party and from there solutions can come up to settle the conflict.

What can we do to control our anger during an argument?

One way have been able to control my anger is by keeping quiet whenever someone is offended at me. It has helped me alot even though i have alot i want to say i just keep quiet. Have observed that doing that has made alot of things right.

When am angry i do say hurtful things without thinking so learning to stay quiet has helped me to avoid hurting the other persons feelings even more.

If the person is a senior than you keep quiet but if not you can walk away or choose not to pay attention to it. It's not easy but you have to intentionally work on it because you be so happy with yourself the way you handled it afterwards. Instead of retaliating and the conflict leading to a more serious one.

Thanks for reading. Comments are welcomed.

I would love to invite @alli001, @saintkelvin17 and @patjewell to participate in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


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