Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 33: Mother's Love; a time to celebrate and cherish

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago
In your understanding, who is considered a mother, and what are the duties of a mother?

A mother stands as a parent parent. A mother is someone that gives birth to a child and nurture the child till maturity. A mother can also be anyone that nurtures a child till maturity not necessarily giving birth to the person.


Duties of a Mother

A mother is expected to take care of her child and nurture the child. She is expected to teach the child how to do things depending on the age of the child.A mother ensures the well being of a child when a child is not okay the first person that should notice should be the mother of that child.

What are some of the sacrifices that mothers make for their children?

To say that mother's make great sacrifices for their children is not an understatement. When a woman gives birth all her focus is on her child and the well being of her child.

A mother ensures that her child has eaten even though she herself has not eaten. They ensure their child lacks nothing. When i was young i saw my mother severally dish food for us and when she sure that we are satisfied she eats the remaining. That's a mother's love.

Mothers will go to any lent to see that their children become something in life, they can sell anything and everything just to sponsor their children. They don't see themselves but what their children.

A mother can sacrifice her life for her child.Have seen cases where a married woman stays in her marriage because of the children, because they do not want them to grow and meet a broken home so they endure everything and stay in the marriage. That's a mother's love.

How does a mother's love shape a person's character and development?

One thing that children need is love and attention. For a child to grow into a useful person in the society mothers' play a vital role in it. In my country when a child is a nuisance they attribute that child misbehavior to the mother, that is how important it is for mothers to train their children properly.

When a mother corrects their child with love and show them that they can talk to them about anything and everything without them feeling judged such a child will grow up to be sweet and spread love wherever they go. Alot of parents today don't know how to love their children, its not their fault many of them never received love from their parents. That is why as a woman you need to deal with any negative experience that still hurts you before giving birth so it won't affect your relationship with your child.


How can we celebrate and show appreciation for our mothers and their love?

There was a time in my life when i thought that i needed to make money before i can appreciate my mom but a friend of mine taught me that even if its airtime you, have send it to your mom and appreciate her.

You don't have to wait to own that big company or to buy that big car before appreciating your mom. Before the society we take up responsibilities to celebrate mothers you as a child should know how to celebrate your mom.


When you go out get her fruits, or something good it must, not be much in a case when you're not living with her call her often and appreciate her when you're going back home do not go empty handed, get her something it must not be much, do something according to your capacity.

Plan towards her birthday, you can even start saving up before that day. Like i said do it according to your capacity at that time do not wait for when you will have all the money so you will not regret in the end for not celebrating your mother.


As a society, we have a day set aside to celebrate mothers' and that's very good but beyond using words the government could set up a system for appreciating mothers. Even if its distribution of foodstuffs as little as it is it will go a long way in appreciating them or even empowerment program. All this things goes a long way in appreciating mothers.

Thanks for reading my post.Comments are welcomed.

I would love to invite @beewrites, @ekemini01 and @moyeon to participate in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


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