Contest:- My Calling.

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago


Good day everyone, it my happiness to be here with you all and I hope that you all are in good health and also in safe place.

Today I will be writing on a contest organized by @okere-blessing about my calling and it nice topic to discuss about.

How well can someone discover his/her calling?

For someone to discover is calling or purpose in life it can be a very big deeply personal and introspective process.

This may involve on reflecting on one's interests, value, passion and skills and also taking time to think about what really matters to you, what bring fulfilment and joy and what your are passionate about it also a way to discover your calling.

Do you think some people have multiple calling in life than others

Yes it is possible for an individual to have multiple calling in life just as human beings are multifaceted and complex their interest, talents and passion are varied and diverse.

Their are many people who have the ability to do many things like sewing of clothes, making of hair and makeup this is a sign of individual having a multiple calling in life.

Have you discovered your calling


I may YES and I may also say NO.

They reason why u say yes is that during my early stages in life that at the age of 10 to 15 when I was in junior secondary school I was to do all the lighting connect in my room and also for my mother and I use to think that I have finally discover my talent but growing up to this age I don't think that was my rightfully calling.

Do you think people are more successful when they discover their calling?

For individual to discover his or her calling and keep pursuing it lead to greater success and fulfilment in life.

For example when a person is able to identify and follow his or her passion, interest and value they are more likely to feel satisfied, engaged and motivated in their personal life and work.

Mostly when an individual are aligned with his or her calling, they are more willing to put in all their efforts, time and dedication to excel in their chosen field.

What are your fears about your calling?

They are many things that make me fear for my calling this include:

  • the fear of rejection : sometimes I always that one feeling that other will not support my chosen path in life but I don't always care and I do what make me happy and successful in future.

The fear of failure : most time I always think that I may not be successful in the path I have chosen to go and I always think that I may not live up to my own expectation but in life I always work hard to quit that mindset in me.

And many more.


For someone to be successful in his or her callings, they are many fears, challenging that will come up and you need to work through them in order to achieve a better success.

So never let the fear of what people will say or do to you makes you to run always from your calling.

I will like to invite
To participate in this contest

Thanks for reading

 2 months ago 

You're right with every word. The saying that this is my calling may be true and may also be false depending on the perspective. At times the things we pray for is what God uses different means to answer your prayers. Writing on steemit may be your calling but you may find it difficult to believe. Thanks for sharing and inviting. I enjoyed your viewpoints.

 2 months ago 

the fear of rejection : sometimes I always have one feeling that other will not support my chosen path in life but I don't always care and I do what make me happy and successful in future. Its normal to feel this way especially when you're calling is something different from what its was expected.
Well presented bro, keep it up @dazzle55

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