THE DIARY GAME | Better Life With Steem: DATE (08 - 05 - 2022)

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago
Hello great stemians,
I count it a previllage to be part of such an amazing platform that allows people say their minds and say things that matters in written forms for the growth and betterness of the whole world. This is my today's diary, to tell how my day went and the activities i was involved, do not stop at this point, make sure you continue reading till the end i believe you will find it interesting.

Morning Section

Today being Sunday 8th day of the month of April, 2022 is a Sunday with fun! I had fun because i visited one of the most important persons in my life. At exactly 5:18am, I woke up this morning with words of prayers thanking God for his goodness after which, i proceeded to reading the word and then prayed again. I proceeded to the kitchen for a warm beakfast for the family before going to church so i finished all i was to do in the kitchen at exactly 7:08am. My church service starts by 8:00am but i went abit late and closed late too because in the church program, today is a thanksgiving service and we closed at about 15 minutes to 12noon.

Afternoon Section

I arrived home at about 12:01pm and rested which i was havingy it in mind that, i will be going to see my grandmother who left my grandfather and married somewhere else, its been 5years i have not seen her so i took it upon myself to look for her.I went as far as Azikili which is a village in wakama ward, Akwanga, Nasarawa state, Nigeria.

My arrival to the village was at about 2:00pm, reaching the house where she lives, nobody was in but when i asked i was told that she goes to farm even on Sundays and at the cost of waiting, i decided to take this picture.


After 45 minutes, she hasn't arrive home so i gave it a thought to walk around the compound, i love what i saw, bushes every angle but i saw nature.




Evening Section

Like i've said earlier, its been 5years, we didn't see but when i saw her coming from a far, i knew she was the one so i ran to her, collect the firewood she was carrying and i saw that smiles from the inside, in her faces.

We arrived home safe and then she began telling me somany things i needed to know and she said something that touches me, she said she is seeing me favoured, blessed and loaded with money and i will be helping somany people in my life and at that point, i smiled and said Amen. After talking at length i decided to start going back home, immediately i told her I'm going, i noticed tears coming out from her eyes but i had to take a picture with her and tell her to smile.



I arrived home where i live at 7:09pm decided to take a shower, eat and after eating i took my phone to write this down for special people who would read and find it interesting. Thank you somuch for your time, thanks for reading through.


@dave-hanny, It is indeed a good gesture visiting people dear to us. You did well to reach out to grandma despite the distance. The blessings you got were also priceless and worth the time.

Thank you for sharing your dairy with us.
Continue to steem

Thanks for your beautiful comment, visiting is the best at least let your loved ones feel loved. i love my grandma somuch.

 2 years ago 

Hello dear,your publication has been selected to receive support from @steemkidss account. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉! Keep being active

Thank you very much, i will make sure and also do my best to publish articles with good content. Thank you for such a wonderful comments.

 2 years ago 

Hello dear @dave-hanny you've shared an interesting diary with us here, your granny is still strong and young! You did Noble by visiting her, truly your Sunday was fun! We appreciate your activeness in our community keep it up!



Thank you somuch, i really appreciate your warm comment, i hope to do better.

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