Steemit Engagement Challenge S5/W6 -*A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed".

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)
Hello, amazing Steemians, I bring you greetings from my end, I want to appreciate the steemit team for the Engagement Challenge Contest, thanks to the steem4nigeria community that has been working hard to see the movement in this platform, thanks to the community for bringing an educative and lively contest topic which is to write about the adage that says:A friend in need is a friend indeed. As you read from my blog, I know you would find it interesting.

Share your understanding of the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed.

True friends are very rare. Friendship is a relationship between two or more persons who think and behave in different ways but they come together to blend and understand each other's weaknesses and to help one another when the need or any problems arises. A true friend takes a friend's shame, a true friend is that who would stay with you regardless of the situation you are passing through both good and bad times. A true friend takes the pain as a friend to bear it, a true friend is that who is ready to help and rescue you from one problem or the other. All the characteristics I mentioned above are the characteristics of a friend indeed.

Do you have someone you can call a friend? (Choose one regardless of how far apart you are now) How did you meet and how long have you known each other? (Share his name and photo).


Yes! I have someone I call a friend, he is an opposite gender but he is so nice to me than the same gender friendship. I have so many female friends but I decide to speak about him, we met in December last year, we were posted to the same school to serve our nation and throughout the season he has been good to me and not up to a year now but within this year we met, he has shown and taught me what true friends are all out. He treats me like a sister, he shows love to everyone around him, and for that reason, I learn a lot from him as well. His name is Simon Nwigwe, he is also a steemian and his user name is @simonnwigwe the above picture is myself and him.

What are the special qualities that attracted you to the person or the sacrifices they made for you in the past? Do you think your friendship remained intact as it began?


  • Quietness
Simon's quietness is something else, the first day we met he was so quiet and just concentrating on his phone so while we wait for the registrar for the next direction, I walked up to Simon to ask why he has been quiet while others are charting he only smiled. After a little stay with him, I realized that quietness is a part of his life and that's the number one thing I respect him for, he doesn't behave anyhow, he is as gentle as his quietness.

  • Seriousness
He is my mentor on the steemit platform, his seriousness triggered me to be more serious, and here I am writing and enjoying the rewards so, I somuch admire his seriousness and hard work on the steemit platform.

  • Care and hospitality
I noticed Simon loves everyone around him, he never treats people differently, and he shares the love in the same accord, he cares for everyone around, he doesn't care if you are his or not and he helps where necessary, he gives his full attention to solve peoples problems especially when it comes to seeemit issues.

  • He is jovial.

Is the person in Steemit and how is he doing in the Ecosystem? If they aren't, why haven't they joined through you? (Are there special reasons for that?)

Simon is a steemit user and his username is @simonnwigwe. From my observation, he is doing very fine in the Ecosystem.He feeds well and live fine and where he is staying is a very safe place free from people's troubles and I want to believe he is very happy staying here in Nasarawa State.

In conclusion, thank you all for reading through my post, Simon is a very nice person, having an encounter with him is what I know you all would live to remember, and knowing him is never a mistake because he has taught and introduced me to the platform and I will never regret meeting him. At this point, I invite @ruthjoe, @ishayachris, @yakspeace and @josepha to join the contest, thanks for reading through to this point.

 2 years ago 

Los verdaderos amigos son muy raros. La amistad es una relación entre dos o más personas que piensan y se comportan de manera diferente pero que se unen para fusionarse y comprender las debilidades del otro y ayudarse cuando surge la necesidad o algún problema. Un verdadero amigo se lleva la vergüenza de un amigo, un verdadero amigo es aquel que se quedaría contigo sin importar la situación que estés pasando tanto en las buenas como en las malas. Un verdadero amigo toma el dolor como un amigo para soportarlo, un verdadero amigo es aquel que está dispuesto a ayudarte y rescatarte de un problema u otro. Todas las características que mencioné anteriormente son las características de un amigo.

Una linda y original definición de una verdadera amistad, te felicito hermosa. También te felicito por tu mejor amigo @simonnwigwe, he seguido su desempeño en la plataforma gracias al desafio de participacion y me he dado cuenta de lo talentoso y gran steemians que es; imagino que es similar su calidad de ser human, hacen una linda pareja de amigos (obvio que tu resaltas linda jajajaja) no me hagan caso, todo en serio nada en broma, digo al revés jajajaja; en realidad son muy lindos ambos; Dios continúe guardando su amistad! Saludos cordiales!

Your post has been supported by @josevas217 from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 10%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
Voting date: 21/11/2022


 2 years ago 

Thanks very much dear friend!

 2 years ago 

Indeed your friend is a person that I can talk much about. He is a mentor and both a spiritual director I know him in that aspect of life. You have good person as a friend. Best of luck to you.

Smiles... Im happy you could attest to that, he is a very nice person and he is easy going too. Im greatful for yoir comment and I wush you the best

Your post has been supported by @astilem from team 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 18/11/2022


 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you steemcurator05 for your support aand lovely comment and I hope to do better as I keep steeming, thanks

 2 years ago 

Saludos, de nada.

 2 years ago 

Que lindo ver que tienes una linda amistad con tu amigo, yo también tengo buenos amigos de sexo opuesto, espero se sigan apoyando y que la amistad dure muchísimo.

Hola @dave-hanny, el amigo es una persona especial con uno muestra el respeto y su amor, es una persona que sirve sin esperar nada a cambio. Un amigo es muy importante tenerlo en la vida porque podemos contar con esa persona en los momentos malo y bueno.

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