Contest| "Love is Thicker!"

in Steem4Nigeria6 days ago (edited)


Good to you and everyone here in steem4nigeria hope you're all doing well today, I will be giving my own opinion on this contest I came across which says "Love is Thicker.

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Design with canva Image gotten from here

Love bears all things, hope all things, believe all things, endures all things, love never ends... Do you think this is true? Share your idea.

Gotten from my bible on my phone

There's this passage in the bible, 1 Corinthians 13:7 in this case, give an impression of an actual and pure love.

There bible passage gives the picture of love as something strong and unshakable which cannot be Overpowered. In many ways, this is true: love particularly when it is mutual is capable of waiting for ages, and standing up for its object. With reference to the idea that is encapsulated in Love is the fact that it gives hope and ability to believe no matter the circumstances and this can sustain relationships.

But the relations between people are not always as straightforward. Thus, as with love, all the best feelings can bear, hope, believe and endure, yet there are limitations to what even the best of feelings can do because of imperfection, circumstance, and the nature of human affection. There are times when to make a relationship work, people do not only need love, it takes time, respect, and dialogue.

Thus, although the passage sets out the spirit and purpose of love, one has to understand that love is something that has to be cultivated and nurtured by both the partners. Love can never be perfect in an ideal world, but for it to grow to an ideal state, one has to work on it. It does not only mean love magically survives the bad situations – no it means love evolves, grows with the couple, hence becomes more powerful.

Do you think with love you can win the heart of anyone? Explain

As much as love is strong and can easily get attracted to an individual, it does not ensure one gets to win the other person over. Love appears to be a very deep feeling of care, respect and understanding, though most of the time, it is not mutual. Every person has his/her emotions, history, and tends that define his/her capability to associate with another person. In this case love must be reciprocated in order to bring the best in the relationship.

Besides, in order to win people’s hearts one has to do much more than love them. It includes harmonization, relevant values as well as communication. Thus, even in the case of love one can see that without understanding, respect, similar interests it may be very difficult to start and develop a relationship.

Also, the unreasonable demand to receive love in return, coercion to love make relationships toxic. Real love understands the right of another person to live the way they would like and not the way the lover wants. Thus, one has to bear in mind that sometimes there may be no common desire for building a relationship with another person, even if one of the partners is keen on this.

Thus, while love is an essential component in establishing close bonds, it is only a part of the component that makes a lady fall in love. Love comprises of affection and respect hence the capacity of two people to form the necessary bond that is genuine forms the keystone of compatibility.

What better way do you think an argument or misunderstanding could be settled?


It is therefore important to employ a Empathy, when two people mostly partners get locked in an argument or misunderstanding to a logic that only suits the two parties, Communication; the basis of almost all problems is misunderstanding hence, both parties to the disagreement should be given ample time to air out their positions; Patience. Firstly, one has to remain as a cool head for this matter because often people get emotional about it. Thus, having a break avoids aggression escalation and establishes a more suitable atmosphere for partnering organizations.

Listening effectively is very important; one has to allow the other person to have equal speak when coming to a particular issue as this will show some level of recognition.

In relationships, people have in the site to say sorry and accept apologies; they must do this if they realize that they have a mistake. It can be necessary at times to stalemate – to recognize that conflicts exist but do not demand resolution while recognizing the opposing opinion’s validity. The former arises from the need to check on whether the given solution was appropriate and to remove any bitterness that may still exist from the argument.

The ability to manage conflicts which involves embracing positive communication skills that include showing care and interest in the opponent contributes to creation of better rapport between the persons.

What is your say on this "Where there is love, there is life!"


Love, is a key to life when someone says “Where there is love, there is life!” Love enhances life experience for people as it is the social bonding, emotional health and gives life a sense of purpose. It motivates one to look after the wellbeing of neighbors and society as a whole, and thereby do well to ourselves. Love gives people the ability to feel what others are feeling, to look for the good qualities in others, and to cope with life’s adversities thus making the events in our lives more significant.
Finally, love is not only the strength that gives life, but also helps to live fully, to be happy and to develop as a person, knowing and accepting oneself and the other.

I will love to invite @soulfuldreamer, @thaizmaita, @ikwal and @mbetobongluke to participate in this wonderful contest.

Thanks for reading stay safe and do well to love your neighbours as you love yourself.


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