Diary Game|| 05-07-2024|| My Day in Words and Pictures

in Steem4Nigeria7 days ago (edited)

Dear diary,

I woke up very late today, my alarm deactivated unknowingly which I can't explain how. I woke up to discover it was exactly 6:00am, this was because I slept late at about 4:00am because I helped my wife in her sticker production business which lasted till around 1am midnight.

Immediately we put our heads down to sleep our baby boy woke up crying, he was fed by the mum but to no avail. He kept crying which left me with no option than to stay awake with him, I tried all I could to make him sleep but to no avail until around 4am which means I slept for just two (2) hours and maybe for some few minutes.

I missed Covenant Hour of Prayer and staff devotion again the second time this year in one week. I decided to stay back to help my wife to stay with our baby as she do her routine house chores and I also helped her out to prepare moimoi before I left to office around 1pm.


Reaching office I discovered that my office was not clean because the cleaners thought I would not come again since they did not see me early as usual, and because of my lateness they have left home upon my arrival; so I called on one of the security to tidy it up the place as I continue with the cutting out of the sticker design which I brought to office to help my wife in other to reduce the workload on her.


I later did some of my office routines and also prepared against the final day of our three (3) days prayer and fasting (Week of Spiritual Emphasis) which took place by 5:00pm in the evening and ended 6:20pm.


After the program I returned home, I carried the accountant and we all moved together, the road was very busy with heavy traffic. Reaching home I took my bath ate my dinner which was moimoi, my battery was low so I couldn't snapped it. From there, the rest of the day was sticker design with my wife and some house stuff.

Thank you very much, I love you all.

I wish to invite @josepha, @saintkelvin17 and @sampabiswas to also make there diary entries.

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