Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 19: The boarding school effect on children

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago


Welcome to my blog for today, am really happy to finally join in this awesome contest and sharing my post with each and everyone of you, truely boarding school has its own effect on children, they might be good or bad, although I have never been enrolled into a boarding school, but there are many of my friends who completed their education in boarding schools.

Have someone close to you experienced life in boarding school ? Would you share the experience?

Truely I have had so many friends who have been to boarding school, but unfortunately some of them did not give me a good feedback that they are loving their stay at the school, it was as time went oke that they said that they like boarding school. Reason for this saying is because once you get enrolled into a boarding school as a junior, you will always get oppressed by the seniors.

My friends tells me that boarding school in junior level is really bad, the seniors will always come to you and oppress you and nothing would be done about it, they often tell me that some of the seniors comes to their room and takes some of their food and food stuffs, and if you disagree to do just as they say, you are in a very big trouble and they will make you suffer during your days in school.

But once you pass the level of junior in boarding school, you will get to find out that life in boarding school is really sweet, no one will oppress or come to take your food away from you, you will be free to do anything you want and live a good life.

Would you love to send your kids to boarding school

No, I would not love to send my kids to boarding school due to some reasons and I will explain these reasons, I will like to enroll my kids to a school where they will go in the morning and come back in the night and I will take good care of them, rather than sending them to boarding school and stay at home wondering in my heart if they are okay or what if anything has happened to them.

  • Top reasons why I would not send my child to boarding school is because of the way life is today, so many cultist and gangs are filled in schools, they can go a long way to oppress your child to join them, and if the child refuse they will harm him or her.

  • I will like to keep my children close to me since they are still in their tender age, I will watch out on the way they feed and whenever they are not feeling fine do that they can be treated and taken care of.

  • Most times, when parents are not close to children in their tender age, they will get influenced by the things there peers are doing, but if they are loving with their parents, such things will never happen, they will be afraid of the discipline a parent can give to them and neglect to do bad things.

What have been the experience trying to relate, to bond or adjust a kid after spending years in boarding facility

From my Friends, in boarding school they are been disciplined in a very high cost and that has always been part if their life, children who go to boarding school find it very difficult to adjust to real life because all the know is the things they do at boarding school and after coming back home to their parents, you find out that their way of doing things is quite different.

I must say that in some times boarding school is really good for some kids, while on the other hand their are kids that will suffer when enrolled into a boarding school, so as a parent you need to access your kids very Weill before sending him or her to a boarding school.

Do boarding school really produce people who are ready and able to cope with the reality of life without traditionaltraditional parent guide?

Everyone is not thesame, there are people who here and do every word that comes out the mouth of their parents, and also there are children that are too stubborn that their parents can't really handle them, u say that these kids should be enrolled to boarding school where they would be disciplined and taken care of.

On the other hand, boarding helps to teach children a lot of things about life, over there at the boarding school they face a lot of things in life, and the brilliant ones will use that little opportunity to learn something to their self about life, it's true that they face a lot of challanges and hard times, but these hard times are their to teach you a good lesson about life.

Can the discipline obtained from such institution equal to that of parents at home? What can't be learned in boarding facility? Do you think they are missing out of any important aspect of their development?

To be clear, you can never compare the discipline of parents to that of the boarding school, in boarding school no one really cares about you, the teach will discipline you in any way they want and you can do nothing about it, but at home, if your dad flogs you, your mom will bring you close and tell you sorry. But in boarding school no one's cares if your are crying or not, all they know is that you did the wrong thing and you were disciplined of it.

I think boardjnf facilities are doing good and okay, they go to every extent to see that good punishment is given to any child who falls short against the rules of the school, but the real difference is that there are lots of things that you can learn from home which you can't be able to learn it at the boarding school, at homes parents teach you a good way to run a family but at boarding school, all you know is yourself.

Thank you all for visiting my blog and reading through my entry, I invite @nathan10, @richy20, @graceani to participate.

 8 months ago 

Yes, it is true that when you are in boarding school, you are punctual and do your work on time, but when you come home, you cannot implement those things here.

 8 months ago 

Thanks for the comment, I appreciate.


Your friends are not lying about that. When i was in jss1, i was oppressed by my seniors, the feeling was something else.

Talking about the comparison between school and parents guidance, you're also right, school can't take care of students the way parents should, so it's advisable children stay with their parents. I enjoy reading your content.

 8 months ago 

Thanks for the reply, do have a nice day.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

This is exactly what i said "To be clear, you can never compare the discipline of parents to that of the boarding school, in boarding school no one really cares about you" you are on your own and you just to be strong.

 8 months ago 

Yeah, in boarding school you are definitely on your own and you have no one.

Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. Good post here should be..

Curated by : @chant
 8 months ago 

Thank you for curating my post. I appreciate.

Life as a boarders in Junior secondary might not be pleasant. The news about bullying might discourage newbies to go to boarding school. All the same, boarding school is fun. Do you agree with that?

 8 months ago 

It's fun, but I won't allow my kids to go to boarding schools.

Thanks for reading my post.

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