Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 32: What I wasn't taught in school

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago


As one great Nigeria Community, we have really come this far in the Steem accelerator contest to have reached wk31. Today I will be giving in my thoughts based on the contest topic, please stay tuned.

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Are You Of The Opinion That School Can Teach You Everything Or You've Got A Contrary Opinion?

Right from the time I was a little girl, daddy always say to his children "School cannot make you reach" but then you need education to be able be advanced enough in the modern world.

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He really meant that education is good but school doesn't have every key to make a man rich or wealth or popular, he was emphasing on the fact that after school the decision we take considers if the knowledge we have obtained so far can help us in bearing forth a change.

So? If you ask me, school can't and can never reach you everything. Why? That's because you are only meant to go to school to acquire knowledge and then out it in practice as soon you leave school. School offers the basics, then as you graduate in the outside life, you will realize you need more knowledge from people of different personalities.

What Was That Situation You Found Yourself That Your Years Of Learning In School Could Not Fix?

As I was growing up, I came to realize that it's not all about boosting that I want to school but what actually is the outcome when you're out. As I was done with school, I was sitting reluctantly waiting for my parents to keep feeding me as per a child I was. But my father didn't let that to happen because he wanted his children working really hard.

Time fled and i finally found myself in the situation where I needed to bring money to learn a particular work which is trading and cryptocurrency insights inorder to began making money. The money was huge, I was really depressed because I have never seen any amount of such in my account then!... I had to figure a way out.

How Did You End Up Fixing The Issue?

I was able to fix the situation because my mom got to introduce me to this platform called Steemit through a very good friend of hers called @meymeyshops. I wasn't really good in writing lots of things but as soon as I joined, i notice there wasn't any difficult task in here.

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In 6 months time, I was able to make up to 3x the money I needed, I hurriedly paid for trading and paid someone to trade for me too as I learn.

In Your Opinion, How Should Learning In School Be Viewed And Handled

Learning in School presently can't be changed rather adjusted because school let's you to know what basics of life you need to know through leading through various topics of different grades or class.

Your personality to become outstanding is in your hands, therefore putting together what you learnt with the experience of both friends, family etc. It is not always easy to pursue dreams and get it actualized in a twinkle of an eye. School really helps but it doesn't bring the solution to whatsoever you want to do in life, but then it varies in the person's luck.

To everyone who have made this post honourable, I really appreciate, Thank you so much. At once I would like to invite @saintkelvin17 @onomzy810 and @hannybanny


 6 months ago 

say that school is indeed important for providing foundational knowledge and skills. However, it's crucial to understand that school alone cannot teach everything needed for success in life. Real-world experiences, learning from others, and continuous self-improvement are equally important aspects of personal and professional development. It's inspiring to hear how you were able to adapt and find solutions to challenges you faced after school, leveraging platforms like Steemit to achieve your goals. Thank you for sharing your insightful perspective on this topic!

My dear well done for sharing your thought about school experience. School is a formal place educationally but not all things are taught in schools.

There are a lot of things that we need to learn by ourselves and from others that will make our life better positively.

Though, education they say is the best teacher. Thanks

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