The Importance of having a Good Name

in Steem4Nigeria7 months ago

Image source from contest

What do you think make a name valuable and important?

A name is valuable and important because through a name, a person or thing is known God knowing the importance of a name asked Adam in creation to name everything that was created. Also name introduces a person to various persons and places where he/she may not physically have known or been. In other words your name represents you both in the physical and spiritual worlds.

Do you believe that a person’s reputation is more valuable than material wealth? Why or why not

Yes, I believe that a person’s reputation is more valuable than material wealth with the following reasons: First of all, I believe the holy bible says “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold” (proverbs 22:1Kjv). Secondly, reputation is more valuable than material wealth because, material wealth will fade away or may be blown away like wheat chaffs through prevailing circumstances but your reputation weather good or bad, remains even after a person has passed on to eternity. When the material wealth are gone, your reputation may likely be a source of slour or worsen the situation depending on the type of reputation you have built before then.

In your opinion, what qualities or characteristics contribute to building a good name for oneself?

In my opinion The qualities or characteristics that contribute to building a good name for oneself include: humility, kindness, respect, hardworking, selflessness, compassion, giving, concern for others, good inter personal relationship, etc.

How do you think having a good name can positively impact personal relationship and professional opportunities?

I think a good name can positively impact personal relationship and professional opportunities through attracting people to talk and work in your favour even in your absence. People who May not have known you physically but have only compared to offer you assistance where necessary. It can bring promotion in work places, customers patronize businesses that have good name especially if the owners are known to be honest, respectful and trust worthy. Also in social gathering’s. People that have good name are given a place to of honor.

Do you believe that a good name is something that can be inherited or passed down through generation?

Name can be earned over time through actions. People call you names based on what you do or how you react to situations, for instance The apostles of Jesus Christ where first called christians in Antioch because people Saw them behaving like Christ. So, I do not believe that a good name is something that can be inherited or passed down through generation, rather good name is earned and acquired through actions and education. Families that have good name need to continuously train their offspring to main the good name of the family otherwise the offspring May end up destroying the good name.

What I believe is that an off spring may inherit the impact of the good name built by their parents. For instance a child may be offered employment sometimes undeserved assistance or even be married because of the good name of the parents. Therefore everyone need to learn to build a good name by practsing the qualities that attracts blessings for you and your offsprings.
Thanks for reading

I invite @richy20, @oguzvic and @radleking

Special mentioning


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