in Steem4Nigeria7 months ago (edited)
Hello steemains, it's really been a while here I must say,and am really glad to be here,thanks to my friends @ruthjoe and @alexanderpeace who are also in this platform, that has encouraged me to come back. Since I joined steemit the year 2020, it was really an awesome experience for me, it was part of the best decisions I made in my life.

I became a mother last year January 2022, which made me go on a very long break from this platform. But I kept reminding myself that I still need to be active on this platform. Being a mother really stretched me, but it's going all well,thanks be to God. And am glad to be back here.

Now back to my plans for the Christmas holiday.


2023 been a good year so far,thanks be to God,who has kept us alive.
Christmas season is a season of celebration,a season to celebrate with our friends and loved ones, a season of joy and happiness. It's a season where we take a little break from all the hardwork and stress we went through this year.

On the 23rd of December being Saturday,I have a wedding to attend. I have made plans to attend this wedding because it's the wedding of my dear friend and sister,and am really glad am gonna be a part of her happy day, as she starts the journey of marriage

My friends wedding I will be attending

Then on the 24th being Sunday, I plan to go to church and have a good time in God's presence,appreciating Him for another

On the 25th of December,the widely celebrated Christmas day,I would be at home to celebrate with my family. I would prepare sumptuous meals, such as rice and stew with chicken with drinks of our choice. I have bought several bottles of fine red wine so I could pop with my husband and family. It would be day full of celebration in my house, and you are all invited.

On the 26th and 28th I have two other weddings to attend. I have attended a lot of wedding this year this will be the last two amongst others that I would attend.

On the 29th through 31st is a program in church called our PPC (Prayer and prophetic conference) as we get ready spiritually for the new year.These are the plans I have for this holiday season. Preparing for the Holiday requires money too,and by God's grace,it will be done comfortably without stress. By 1st of January,I will be visiting my husband's village,to celebrate the new year with them,by 2nd of January am back home to prepare for our new year conference and retreat,this is something we do everything year.

I hope you who is reading this post also made plans for this holiday. Make it a happy one, being alive to witness it is enough.

I invite my friends @talktofaith @ruthjoe and @alexanderpeace to participate in this contest.


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