Dairy game: My life as a working Mum, never knew I could be this strong.

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

Welcome to my blog today, it's been a while here. Hi am @ceendy20 and it's good to have you here

Getting older as a Single Lady,I have always been the type that believes in,going out there to work and earning a living for myself. Never had the habit of depending on people to earn a living. I paid my rent, fed myself,clothed myself and all that. I don't dispute the fact that I received gifts and favour from people,am just saying I believe in doing things myself.

Forward to when I got married,due to I had to change location,I started job hunting,I couldn't get one so fast, that was when my friend @talktofaith introduced me to steemit,which was one of the best decisions of my life. I wasn't 💯 dependent on hubby,and it was all good.

Down to when I had my first baby,which pulled me away from the platform,I was consistent like I use to be anymore,used up all my coins and was left broke 😁, funny right.

Stayed at home for two years almost sinking into depression, because I wasn't doing anything at all. Tried few online business but none prove effective. Until January this year my son clocked 2 years and started school. I applied for a job and got it. Happiest day in a long while.


I must say it's not been easy at all, but I am glad am no longer staying at home doing nothing. That is my biggest motivation, whenever I remember how I felt staying at home,with issues of marriage.

A day a work

I wake up by 5am in the morning,say my morning prayers. Make breakfast for my son,prepare his lunch and lunch boxes. Hubby helps to bath him, while I do these things. I dress my baby up for school,then rush to shower and prepare for work. Am meant to report to work by 8am, so by the time am done with things at home,it's already few minutes past 7 o clock.

Distance from my house to work is about 45minutes drive, including the hold up and delays on the road, so I arrive work most times by 7:50 or 7:55 which I still a good time. I work with a very big company which I will write about soon here,so you get to know what we do. Some days are hectic,while some are not.

By 5pm I close for work ,go to my husband's shop to pick my son, then head home. Getting home,chores left undone in the morning,are staring at me,dinner needs to be made, need to prepare my kid for bed. I first of all,bath my son and feed him, so he go can go to bed when he feels like. Then I proceed to make dinner for myself and hubby at the same time doing some chores.

By the time am done it's already past 10pm,I shower and go to bed. But there are measures I have taken to make work easier for me,since I don't have a help yet.

  1. I make food and store in the freezer,so I don't have to make fresh ones everyday.
  2. I most of the chores at night.

This is what I do to make things a little easier for myself. God blessed me with an understanding husband who helps,in the ways he could, especially in the area of cooking, it's not easy doing the job alone.

So this is my current lifestyle now. I want to give a shout out to all working Mom's out there,is not easy,but you are strong , resilient and deserve the best of life. I understand better now.

Cc: @ruthjoe


This is a whole lot
Congratulations on your new job appointment.
Welcome back to steemit.

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