Contest| "Love and Money!"

in Steem4Nigerialast month

Hello my fellow Steemians, how are you today? I suppose you are fine. @ninapenda you have done well to have organised this contest. Love and money are key to a relationship. Let's dive into the business.


🔻Have you ever been served a breakfast, I mean (heartbreak) or do you know anyone who has had a heartbreak? Share with us.

Yes, I know of someone who had a serious heartbreak about twice.
This lady was in a marital relationship with someone who truly told her that he was in another relationship which had issues before coming to her. They related for some time and even introduced himself to her family.

Unfortunately for this lady, the guy's x-girl friend came back pleading and she had to come through some people whom the guy respected so much. For this reason, he broke up with this lady and reunited with his x-girl friend.
While she was recovering from the heartbreak came my friend. I remember very well that her friend cautioned my friend never to disappoint this lady because she just recovered from a heartbreak.

A year later, we went to the family and paid the bride price. We were only waiting for the family to come up with a day for the wedding only for my friend to say that he would not marry this lady. The reason was best known to him. Honestly speaking this lady cried as though she was going to die.

Finally, the family invited my friend with his family and gave them back all that they paid for the lady.

🔻Does genuine love without money exist? Explain


Yes, genuine love without money exists. I am talking from a practical point of view. I made my wife when my salary was just ₦6000 which was in 2014. By then, she was in another relationship with a guy who was working with the Federal Immigration Service and he was from a wealthy background. We were just friends because she told me about the relationship but before we all knew what was happening we fell in love with each other and she quit with that guy. Honestly, I could hardly attend to my own needs and talk more of hers but we pushed on and today we are happily married with two kids.

🔻If you were allowed to choose between money and love, which would you prefer? State your reasons

I would prefer love. But let us first look at the meaning of love "Love is an intense, deep affection for another person. The Bible says love is kind, love is patience, love is not boastful, love does not envy, love does not keep record of wrongs, love is not easily angered. It went further to say that love rejoices, love protects and does not delight in evil. If all of these is contain in love i think non can be compared to it.

Though that the Bible says ‘Money answers all things’ but money also has limitations to some extent. I may not have money today but the love and relationship we share can bring about financial strength. But, having both love and money is better because the two can give a better life.

🔻It is true that money answers to all things, in your understanding, can money answer to love?

Yes, money answers all things but I think what this statement means here is that money is a medium through which needs can be attended to. To some people money can buy love but if it does, this love may not be genuine. It is built on money or material things and the day this money finishes, the love will also vanish to thin air.

Thank you for spending your precious time to read this article. God bless you.
I invite @vickyson, @mesola and @yakspeace to also participate.

I love you all

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