The Diary Game || 20-03-24 || A Couple Finally Joined After 3 Years Of Doubt

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

edited using canva

It was a stressful Wednesday I faced. Body pains resulting from the hard labour I did in the farm kept me lazy and unable to perform certain tasks in the early hours of the morning. My day was kind of a waste but not really. Things I did weren't according to my schedule but were actually for the best. I did something very unusual but worth it. This is my narration to tell you how my day went as a homie and a foreigner so to speak.

Morning Activities

In the early hours of the morning as I said, I felt very reluctant to do a lot of activities due to how my body reacted. I was more like a lazy person but I didn't allow that reaction paralyze me. I took to reading up the scriptures with my family which emphasized more on events leading to Jesus' death and what these events mean for us.

It placed more emphasis on why we should exercise faith in Jesus and the ransom sacrifice he paid on our behalf which gives us hope of living forever on earth in God's kingdom and also gives us an edge to live forever.....

After considering these scriptures, I took to doing my house chores and then ate my breakfast and went back to bed. I had lot of plans to carry out that day of which one was to visit a family friend who has been on my neck to show them how to go about the social media platform called steemit. The appointment was by 4pm no doubt, so I had enough time and to spare in creating contents.


I no time, i went to my friend's house for a visit as home was very boring. I then helped him cut the cassava stems he was cutting as I met him doing that activity. I spent some time with him before going home.

When I got home, I took to taking up a creativity I've never imagined taking before and this creativity was prior to the engagement challenge topic in steem travel community about Travelling to another planet. It took me an hour to come up with a creativity that would be outstanding and quite different from others.


This creativity was using clay to create a circle which would serve as a planet. At first, it was quite uneasy to structure these clays so I had to break them into parts so I'll be able to mold them.

Molding them in my hands was quite difficult as well because keeping it on a surface won't give me my desired shape, so I had to be consistent with the moulding with two palms. I was done moulding. I used white cement to make it white and look more exclusive like a planet or like the moon. After creating this giant ball, I ensured I captured it in a way that would look more like a space planet and not something I created.


I also edited it in a way that would look more like the blue planet I was talking about. I then received a call concerning the appointment I had. I no time, I was out to meet the couple that invited me to their house to tell them more about steemit.

These are couples that doubted this platform called Steemit for 3 good years. She was told about this platform early 2020 but was reluctant to follow up or even create an account, her and her husband. They both invited me to meet them as a family so I'll throw more light and help them sign up.

They related their experiences to me on how they were subject to scams upon scams and regretted why they didn't join this platform then. I told them what they had missed that year and they admitted that truly, ignorance is a disease.

They were keenly interested in knowing how steemit will change their finances and here they are on the platform, trying to give their best. I helped them sign up that day with usernames @udyfortune01 and @nd599. Both of them signed up the same day but didn't create their achievement the same day. I welcome them with open arms on this platform and hope they'll see that there's more to life than just missing out on informations.

Their not joining the platform due to doubts sprang from the fact that they were scammed severally online. So they had doubts about steemit and refused to join not until I drilled them more that day.

They entertained me as their guest while I tried helping them set up their accounts. I left their home really late as it was already dark.



I took to purchasing things when I got to my street so that my siblings can eat the next day. I didn't create any content that day due to network issue and battery problem as well. I was pained but happy I got 2 newbies on the platform. I also hosted training for those verified on the platform which I'm teaching. Lest I forget, I signed up @steemnurse01 before she went to work. Looking forward to seeing the verification of their posts.


Picture of my Mentorship group

 2 months ago 

All screenshots and pictures are mine

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

You are doing well, Add me in this mentorship group I want to learn from you.


It's heartwarming to see your dedication in helping others join the Steemit platform, especially after three years of doubt. Your efforts in mentoring and guiding newbies like @udyfortune01 and @nd599 are truly commendable. Keep up the excellent work of spreading awareness about Steemit and empowering others to explore its potential.

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