My Neighborhood Watch #10 - Reporting Events Around Us

in Steem4Nigeria11 months ago

picture from my phone

Life has chosen to be complicated for the masses but even with these complications, many still navigate their way through to survive. Little wonder an Evolutionist deliberated on Survival of the fittest. No matter how hard life seems, we try to survive all odds regardless. This springs to what I've observed in my neighborhood lately.

Conversion of Gas to Fuel for use

As I was passing streets in my community, I could spot three business places using gas cylinders to generate fuel for their generators. Why? The increment in the price of fuel has caused this and to prevent their business from gradually falling or incurring potential shortages, they improvise to make their business bloom even in this trying period. Fuel in Nigeria now is sold at the rate of 500-600 naira range which is approximately 3-5 steems to be precise per litre.

Considering what they'll stand to lose if they purchase fuel at this rate daily, they choose to look for simpler ways. Let's do the mathematics. To those that run Betting businesses in places that light is very much unpredictable like my place, they'll need generator to run it. If they are using a sizeable generator, a liter of fuel can run for like 2 hours....

So if they run the generator from 9Am in the morning to 10pm in the night, they'll need approximately 7 litres of fuel which is 4200 that day....If it's used for one week that's 29k whereas gas is more economical than the fuelling. This is actually what I observed in my neighborhood.

Careless driving by Motorcyclists

On a fateful Saturday morning, a young man with 3 children and a wife set out to go for daily hustle with his motorcycle. After 30 minutes of leaving the house that morning, he was found dead on the street. Many were trying to trace where the corpse Is from not until they find out it was from this family. Tears trolled down the neighbours eyes. It was just so uncontrollable.

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What killed him? The umbrella stand placed in that motorcycle of which he didn't cover. The umbrella stand made of iron hit him hard on his neck when he was involved in an accident that made him apply brake in tension. He died at the spot. Chances of recovering him was 0%. Other passengers he carried had fatal accident which they were taken to the hospital. I was such a sad experience. I felt everything both the pain and tumour as though it's my family member that was involved.

Life can be so unpredictable. Little did the man knew he would breathe his last that morning. Unforseen occurrence befell him. In as much as we're in this wicked world, we'll be exposed to challenges that would cause us pain, suffering and anxieties. While some are enjoying, celebrating life and happy living, others are in pain, observing the funeral of their loved ones.

Like I said at the onset, survival of the fittest is practicalized but sometimes, the fittest don't survive it. Life is very precious. Instead of waiting for a miracle or manna from heaven, we should do our best to survive. Hardwork and smart work alongside hope of a better future can actually help you deal with some of the physical problems you have.... That's what I experienced in my neighborhood and I'm sure it's also happening where you live. Thanks for going through my post

I invite @vudeme123, @davidmarkgeorge and @professorlenz



Yeah.... It's true @bossj23. Lots of thing happen in our environment as a result of economical status of the country. People die when they are not suppose to die. Workers got sack when it's not time for them to retire.... All these falls back to our neighborhood vomit... I just wish the parastatals and sentinels of heavy offices could easily recognize these loopholes and make a refill

 11 months ago 

Yes sir. A lot if things happen daily. After reading this I felt pity for the man who lost his life in the accident. Concerning the use of generating power using cooking gas and generator has massively helped Nigerians. Though, it has been in use before the unexpected removal of fuel subsidy. I don't feel it's secured using that

I discovered that the gas is much cheaper than the fuel and this is why most people prefer using the gas than the fuel.

Here in Portharcourt most bet9ja centers that on generator for 24 hours, always make use of this gas.

I wish you success in this contest boss.

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