in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

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It is Saturday people, welcome to a new weekend. I want to belie we all had a great night.

It has been a rough ride all through and lately I can see that the spirit of continuity is going down, there are no encouragements anyone, everyone is just being confined to his or her own problems and it seems the captain of the ship is no longer sailing with us and with that people have already decided to let go now.

Today, I am here to remind you about the good tidings ahead, I will be writing an article with the topic why give up now, so I want you to follow me through every step of the way.

It is true that currently things are not seen the way they usually are then, everything we see now is just a shadow of itself.

The journey of many miles begins with one footstep they say but currently, it is the opposite we are encountering. the good old days they we normally come together and merry are now buried in memories, the strive and pursuit for success was normally seen in high ratio but today everything seems to be on a pause.

Every time, I often remember how my college life was. how things were so choked up for me and how peer pressure was just after me but then I pay no consent to them and focused on my studies.

It was not as if there were no obstacles, yes they were but my ability to stay focused and true to my dream kept me going.

I had every reason to deviate from my studies and ambitions because things were though and it was hard for my family then but I had a choice which is choosing to be excellent.

I could remember the worst session of my life in college was when I was in my final year, everything took a different turn and it was as if there was no coming from that. I was given a carry-over in a course then and that was because I was ill during the day of the exam.

The lecture asked me not to worry that everything will be alright and I left to get treated properly, but little did I know that I was gonna be given a carry over in that course.

When the result came out, everyone was happy but then I was not in school and my friends called me to come and see my result.

I asked them to tell me my grade on the phone but they lied and told me that the class rep did not allow them to get hold of my transcript. so I got dressed and headed to school, when I got there, I saw that the result was pasted on the notice board and not on a transcript.

When I checked my result, I burst into tears. then my friends came to cheer me up and then I asked them why they lied to me at the initial stage and they responded that they do not want to be the ones that would give me a sad news.

It was so painful to know that your course mates would be leaving you in school to spend an extra year. the trauma so so bad that I almost gave up in college.

Before I could meet the lecturer in charge of the course, I got an information that he has left the school already and he is not in town. I could not do anything,

All the hard works, the labor, the stress, my parent sacrifice will now go to waste. I was thinking what my parent would say and feel when they get to hear about the carry over.

I barely eat and sleep, in no time I got emaciated because I was thinking and in a state of depression.



This is the question that was constantly sounding in my ears, why would I give up now? I have come too far to give up that easily.

It was quite difficult for my friends to talk me out of the situation but when I noticed that depression will only cause more harm than good, I stood up to my feet and started doing the needful.

It was not so easy as it sounds but giving up was not an option for I have scaled through certain highs and lows, so this one is not going to way me down.


I registered for the course the next year after my set has graduated, it was a painful event that only students in universities and colleges could relate how hard it id for carry over students.

I could not be among them because I will only be deceiving my self when I know that I am not among the graduating students, so I sat back at home and after the everything a new session began which I then registered the course I failed.

I have already let go of the previous though about how I failed the course, I became so serious and thank God I did not know any of my juniors because I am nit an extrovert, so I have been all by my self.

That was how I took the course vehemently with all my heart and mind. in no distant time, the examination day came and I recalled the last time this exam was administered, I was not seated here and that was how my fate was decided by the situation but today I am here to decide my fate.

I wrote the examination with ease because I came prepared than ever believing that the previous event will not repeat itself, ad when I got done, I prayed and went home waiting patiently for the day the result will be revealed to us.

And on that faithful day, I was called by my examiner who knew me through the previous incident. he was the one that first of all congratulated me and told me to come to school and see my result.

I was so happy even though I have not seen the result, for the fact that my examiner could call me to congratulate me then it is a good result.

And so I dashed down to school and behold people, I came out with flying colors in the examination result.

I got a distinction in that course and this was a course that credit is not guaranteed but God heled me out and my zeal to not have given up actually paid off.

I gave us all this instant from my story to let you all know that life has ups and downs, in one way or the other we all have faced difficult times and also thought about giving up.

But I tell you today from my experience, that giving up is never an option for us all. the reason why we often think of giving up is because we feel we have lost it all. I am telling us today that we need to stay strong and face the situation with a positive vibes and not to give in to it.


We all should choose to be excellent and not get discouraged of certain situations that comes our way.

It may seems like it is the worst thing ever and so we often think that we can not deal with it, but I am telling you today that we can deal with the situation by not giving up on ourselves. it can only get better when you believe in yourself and make a decision to bounce back.

I hope this article cheers someone today and change our mindset of giving up. no matter the situation or the problems, just believe all will be fine and do the needful and take care of you.

 2 years ago 

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