Courtship: How should it be.

in Steem4Nigeria7 months ago (edited)


Courtship is a time of getting to know another person to potentially enter into a committed, romantic relationship. During this time, people typically date, spend time together, and explore whether they are compatible and have the potential for a long-term relationship. This can be a fun and exciting time, but it can also be stressful and challenging. It's important to approach courtship with openness, honesty, and a willingness to put in the effort required for a healthy, happy relationship.


In your understanding how can you explain courtship to your friend?Do you believe in courtship before marriage?

Well, to me, courtship is a time for two people to get to know each other and decide if they want to commit to a lifelong relationship together. It's a time to talk about important topics like values, goals, and expectations, as well as to have fun and enjoy each other's company. I do believe that courtship can be an important step before marriage, as it allows couples to make an informed decision about whether they are truly compatible and ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

There are many benefits to courtship before marriage.

  • First, it allows couples to build a strong foundation of trust and respect.
  • Secondly, it allows them to discuss important topics like finances, family, religion, and lifestyle.
  • Thirdly, it can help them avoid making a hasty decision based on emotions alone. - lastly, courtship can help to create a stronger bond between the couple, as they learn to communicate effectively and build a shared understanding of each other.

Yes, I do believe in the concept of courtship before marriage, but I recognize that it may look different for every couple. There is no one "right" way to do courtship. Instead, I think it's more important to focus on the core values of honesty, respect, and communication. Some couples may choose to date for a long period before marriage, while others may choose to move more quickly. What's most important is that both partners feel comfortable and that they're on the same page about the direction of their relationship.


How many years should courtship last before marriage?

There is no hard and fast rule about how long a courtship should last before marriage. Each couple is unique, and their timeline for marriage will depend on many factors, including their ages, life circumstances, and personal values. Some couples may choose to date for a year or two before marriage, while others may date for five years or more. Also, it's up to each couple to decide what feels right for them.


Is courtship a guarantee for a successful marriage?

While courtship can certainly be a helpful step in the process of building a healthy and successful marriage, it is not a guarantee. Ultimately, the success of a marriage depends on many factors, including the compatibility of the couple, their communication skills, and their willingness to work through conflict. Courtship can help lay a strong foundation, but it's up to the couple to build a strong and lasting marriage.

It's worth mentioning that courtship doesn't just happen before marriage. It's an ongoing process throughout a marriage. Couples should continue to date, communicate openly, and work on their relationship long after the wedding day. It's also important to recognize that courtship doesn't have to be formal or expensive. Simple things like taking a walk together or having a coffee date can be meaningful ways to connect and strengthen the relationship.

Don't leave important discussions in courtship for Shawarma and baby I want to buy clothes, hair, and all sorts. Ask him about his genotype, his family background, his work, etc.



What is your say about sex during courtship Is it a yes or No to you let's have your reasons

Some people believe that abstaining from sex before marriage is the best way to honor the sacredness of marriage, while others believe that having sex before marriage is a healthy and normal part of the relationship. It finally comes down to the couple's personal beliefs and values. I also believe that abstinence is the best but we are human 🤪and as long as we spend time together one thing might lead to another.

The two must discuss what they want and abide by it, as I said above, courtship involves compromises, you have to be ready because there are crazy things you would do for love and sex is one of them.


Any advice for those in courtship right now?

For those in courtship, I would say that communication is key. Talk openly and honestly about your needs, wants, and expectations. Be willing to compromise and make compromises. Be respectful of each other's boundaries. And most importantly, enjoy the journey. Courtship is a special time, so take the time to savor it.

I would also encourage those in courtship to focus on building a strong friendship. True love is built on friendship, and courtship is the perfect time to lay the foundation for a lasting friendship. So take the time to get to know each other on a deeper level, to find shared interests and hobbies, and to laugh together. And don't forget to make time for yourself and your hobbies and interests. This will help you bring your best self to the relationship.


Thanks for reading. I'm inviting @chilaw, @samuelenest and @eveetim to participate in this contest.

 7 months ago 

Yes, courtship is necessary to enable the would be couple learn and understand each other but in my view long courtship is not advisable.

Good luck to you in the contest my friend and thanks for the invite.

Sorry for the mistakes on the tittle. Please check and correct it.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts sis😍

 7 months ago 

Yeah you have captured the essence of courtship and how important it is to invest time and energy into healthy long term relationships nice post from you best of luck.

 7 months ago 

Well you opinion is very educating, but I would want to disagree with you on the sex part. It is still very possible to have a healthy courtship without sexual involvement. Thank you very much nevertheless I really enjoyed reading your post. Thank you for sharing.

Thats for peole that want to do sexual purity in their relationship. And to be able to keep up with this they need to get involved in all other activities that are not romantic.

 7 months ago 

You are right

Courtship allows individuals to get to know each other on a deeper level, helping them determine if they are compatible in terms of values, goals, and interests. It provides an opportunity for both parties to assess whether they can build a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Best of luck in the contest

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