Growing up in a Rural or Urban Area"

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago (edited)


The rural-urban continuum concept essentially frames the spectrum of environments found globally. Rural zones, sitting on one end of the spectrum, are known for their sparse population, economic scarcity, and deep-rooted cultural practices. In contrast, urban regions are identified by their bustling populations, economic diversity, and cultural sophistication. Nestled between these polar opposites are the suburbs, blending elements from both rural quietude and urban vibrancy.


Differentiate between urban and rural areas stating three major features

Urban areas are also called cities and there are settlements with a high density of human activity. They have a very large population, a high concentration of businesses and other services like standard restaurants and infrastructure such as roads, sewers, and utilities. They are also know to often associate with a higher standard of living like transportation, feeding, shelter, healthcare and more opportunities for jobs and education.

The possibility to have challenges such as pollution, traffic congestion, and a lack good natural air . Urban areas are places where lots of people live together. There are many buildings and people are close together. This can cause problems like traffic and pollution. Lets use Mararaba as an example of populated area in Nasarawa state, it is jampacked with lots of people and people from that area sufferes for traffic everyday when going to work.



A rural area is an area where not many people live. They are found outside of cities. In rural areas, people live far away from each other than those that live in the different cities. They often grow crops(farm) and rear animals too. Rural areas have challenges amd some of the challenges are, not having access to services that people in cities have . But they can also offer a slower and more peaceful way of life.

Although there are some challenges associated with living in a rurual area, challenges like limited access to transportation,good healthcare, good jobs and other services. Regardless of all of that living in a rural area is very peaceful and because it is surrounded with nature.


Features of Urban are;

  • urban areas have a much higher population density than the rural areas

  • The have greater diversity of people and cultures and a greater range of services and amenities.

  • They have a well-developed transportation system with public transportation being the most important.

Features of Rural areas;

  • They have a lower population density and are more homogeneous in terms of culture.

  • They have less developed transportation system and few servies and amenities.

  • They are more peaceful natural form of living compare to the Urban areas.


Which area did you grow up and why?

I grew up in the Rural area and i miss eveything about there. Although i still go there durijg holidays because there is this different kind of peace that comes living in a rural area. I grew up there because that ks where my parents lives all their life. I was not born with a silver spoon and my parents do not lile to give out children to other people to train in the name of being in ghe urban area.

I love where i grew up. I was provided with everything i needed while growing up so at the stage of my life, i was happy. In the rural area, we don't need the AC there, the air, the breeze are all natural. Its hard to have a populated environment and so living there is what i want to do more often. Maybe we should ask people who return back to their villages after retirement to tell us why😆


If you were told to go to the area you didn't grow up from, will you?

Yes i will.
As we grow old and and begin to think different and begin to see lofe differently, things are not going to remain the same. I grew up in the rural area and i now live in the Urban area adapting to the life styles there. That is what the heart desires at this point iny life. Its not really about where yoi grew anymore, its about going out to face the reality of life.

For those of us that grew up in a family where we cam only get the basic things of living, we have to go out to hustle and find a new life for ourselves amd for our families. So for me, i will gladly live in a place i did grow up.


What things are there in the area you grew up from that aren't in the other?
  • Lots of fruits
  • Peace of mind
  • Limited crime rates
  • Good Road
  • Good hospital
  • Good market
  • Wicked people 😂
  • Good weather
  • Good Environment e.t.c
    There are so many good things in the area i grew up that is not in other areas.


In conclusion.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading from you too.
I'm inviting @mmmmkkkk311 @benton03 and @jovita30 to participate in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

Greetings @blessingogah-1

While I was reading your post, I felt very deeply your words about wanting to return to the life of the rural area where you were born and raised. Actually, the country lifestyle provides us with a lot of tranquility and there is not as much noise as in the city. The rural area, as you say, is sparsely populated and there are not the best conditions for life as the urban area offers, but tranquility is worth a lot, especially when we are already older people, ready to retire.

The urban area has its advantages, as you point out, the population is large, there are more infrastructures, roads, public services and companies, however, life is very hectic and exposed to great pollution.

I support your point of view of wanting to return to the rural area in search of more tranquility to lead a life without stress and anxiety.

Success in the challenge.

Thank you so much @elpastor for taking your time to read my post. Life is just to short and every moment and everyday of ourlives should count on doing and living a happy happy life.

 6 months ago 

That's right, my friend. Life is so short, you deserve to enjoy it to the fullest wherever you consider most convenient, in the city or in the countryside.

Happy afternoon.

Thank you sir

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