Learn with steem contest- Why Running a crypto Exchange is Hard

in Steem4Nigerialast year
Hello friends,

It’s another week of our I-teach series, and today, I will be sharing all we need to know about cryptocurrency exchanges, how they work, difficulties associated with cryptocurrency exchanges as well as how we can make a living from it, despite the challenges. Read and enjoy.

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Some of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, including the recently defunct FTX and the more well-known Celsius and Voyager, have all declared bankruptcy in the past year. My interest in the nature of bitcoin exchanges was piqued by recent events in the crypto business.

You can buy, sell, and trade digital currencies on an exchange. Cryptocurrency exchanges allow users to buy, sell, and trade a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, and some of them may also offer supplementary services, such as a wallet, for storing and managing digital assets.

Some cryptocurrency exchanges are more advanced and are better suited for seasoned investors, while others are beginner-friendly. Some, but not all, cryptocurrency exchanges allow customers to trade their digital currency holdings for fiat currency. Only users of the same exchange can make a transaction while trading cryptocurrency.

How Cryptocurrency Markets Generally Work

To buy or sell cryptocurrencies like Hive, Bitcoin, or Ethereum, customers can do so on crypto exchanges. These exchanges act as a go-between, allowing customers to buy and sell bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for traditional currencies like the US dollar.

Coin markets can be divided into several categories

Firstly, centralized exchanges have one company overseeing all of the transactions and mediating between buyers and sellers. Before they can begin trading, users of centralized exchanges must sign up for accounts and prove their identities.

Second, there are decentralized marketplaces, wherein transactions are handled by smart contracts and the network is distributed. Generally speaking, decentralized exchanges are considered safer than centralized ones because they don't rely on a single point of failure.

Third, peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces allow users to interact with one another directly, bypassing centralized intermediaries.

To buy or sell cryptocurrencies on an exchange, users typically move funds from their regular bank or credit card account into the exchange's own account. Coins can be bought and sold on the exchange using these cash. There are a few exchanges that also facilitate futures and margin trading.

Weighing the Challenges of Operating a Cryptocurrency Exchange

There are a few obstacles that can make it tough to run a cryptocurrency exchange:

  • Keeping up with the ever-changing set of laws and regulations that affect cryptocurrency exchanges can be a daunting task. Extensive information and tools could be required to go through this.

  • Because of the large amounts of money and personal information they handle, cryptocurrency exchanges are a prime target for hackers. To protect sensitive information and ward off cyberattacks, robust security measures and constant attention are essential.

  • One of the most challenging aspects of operating an exchange is providing sufficient liquidity, or the ability to buy and sell assets quickly, to meet the needs of its users. Some smaller exchanges may struggle to attract enough customers to meet their liquidity needs, making this an especially difficult situation.

  • Cryptocurrency exchanges must be scalable so that they can accommodate a growing number of users and a high volume of trading activity. An extensive investment in new facilities and personnel may be required to solve this complex technological issue.

  • Competition: In the highly competitive cryptocurrency exchange market, several different platforms are vying for customers' attention and business. This could make it harder for upstart trading platforms to gain traction and establish their identities.

  • Overseeing a cryptocurrency exchange requires a wide range of skills, including technical know-how, familiarity with relevant regulations, business acumen, and the financial wherewithal to purchase and maintain the necessary hardware and software.

The Causes of Bankruptcy for Stock Market Trading Platforms

For several reasons, cryptocurrency exchanges may be forced to file for bankruptcy protection. The most common ones are:

  • When an exchange has more liabilities than its assets can cover, it is said to be in debt. There could be a number of issues at play here, including sloppy fiscal management, insufficient income, or significant trading losses.

  • Threat of hacking: Cryptocurrency exchanges may lose a lot of money if they were attacked online. If the exchange does not have enough money set aside or insurance to cover these losses, it may have to close its doors.

  • Concerns about compliance with applicable regulations: if a cryptocurrency exchange is found to be operating in violation of local, state, federal, or international law, it could face fines, attorney fees, and other expenses that could significantly impact its ability to operate.

  • Extreme levels of competition exist in the bitcoin market, making it difficult for lagging exchanges to attract and retain customers.

Insider trading and embezzlement are just two examples of the fraudulent activities that have been linked to the failure of bitcoin exchanges.

Investors should do their due diligence and carefully assess the risks before making any purchases or trading on any cryptocurrency exchange because it is obvious that there are several factors that could cause a cryptocurrency exchange to declare bankruptcy.

Is it Possible to Make a Living as a Cryptocurrency Trader in the Long Run?

One of the many factors that determine how long a cryptocurrency exchange will be in business is the level of demand for cryptocurrencies, the exchange's business plan, and its ability to respond to market movements.

A major factor is the interest in buying cryptocurrencies. If there is significant interest in buying and selling cryptocurrencies through an exchange, then the exchange can likely continue to function. The reason for this is that traders are more likely to use an exchange that has a sizable customer base because this means more business, more money, and longer-term viability.

A further factor is the corporate strategy behind the market. Some stock markets rely only on trading fees as their main source of revenue, while others may additionally profit from listing fees, margin trading, and other activities. It's possible that a market's resilience increases if it has multiple potential sources of revenue, rather than simply one.

The ability of the exchange to adapt to shifting market conditions is, perhaps most importantly, a key factor in its potential durability. For instance, in a dynamic market, an exchange may be able to persevere by introducing novel functions and services that meet the demands of its customers.

How long a cryptocurrency exchange stays in business depends on a number of factors, including the general market's interest in cryptocurrencies, the exchange's business plan, and how quickly it can adapt to changes in the market.

I will like to invite @tamighty @ngoenyi @patjewell to participate in this contest.


Yeah, personally it was challenging for me at first but I've gotten used to basics. Great insights on the challenges faced by crypto exchanges. Running a secure and reliable platform for digital assets is definitely not an easy feat. Kudos to you for highlighting the difficulties and for the effort you put into making it work. I wish you best of luck in this contest

 last year 

Thank you

Yes..... Looking forward to reading another post of you

Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @lavanyalakshman at 7%.

 last year 

Well done!
This is such a nice post. It reads easy and it is just what newbies needs to read to understand the world of crypto.
Wishing you good luck for the contest.

 last year 

Thanks m’am

 last year 

Greetings my friend @beautiefair,

Thanks for sharing your valuable insights on cryptocurrency exchanges. You've highlighted the various challenges faced by exchanges like the need to comply with changing regulations, secure sensitive information, provide sufficient liquidity, scale with growing user base and competition. It's fascinating to see how different types of exchanges like centralized, decentralized and P2P work and their benefits and drawbacks. The causes of bankruptcy of exchanges also make it clear that it's not an easy task to operate an exchange successfully. 💡💻

To make a living from the exchange, it's important to understand the market well, have technical expertise and financial stability. I appreciate the effort you put into educating us on the topic. Keep sharing quality posts like this with us. 🙌


 last year 

Thank you friend!

I agree with you about more business more cryoto and this will allow the business to flow well. One can make good money from investing in Crypto currencies if made the right choices of coins while the prices increases. Thank you for your input.

 last year 

Thank you friend.

 last year 

Thanks so much for developing this interesting article. You explanation of the difference categories of coin market is clear. That is the centralised, decentralised and peer to peer.


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