Learn with steem contest ||Understanding Web 1.0 to Web 3.0 - part 1, Web 1.0.

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)
Hello friends,

It’s another week of the iteach series usually organized in this platform by @fredquantum. I like the iteach series, as it makes me research important topics each week. Read along with me as I will be talking all about web-1.0.



Early iterations of the World Wide Web, known as "Web 1.0," focused primarily on facilitating the dissemination of information. In those days, websites usually just displayed reading material, with little to no interactivity. However, most contemporary websites now incorporate some sort of dynamic content or interactive component. Web 1.0 was a watershed moment in the history of the internet, paving the way for the advanced capabilities of the modern web.

Web 1.0 was born in the early 1990s with the creation of the first ever websites. Foreshadowing the birth of the modern internet, this event opened the way for the development of numerous contemporary technologies. Static HTML pages and a lack of user interactivity were hallmarks of the early days of the Internet (Web 1.0).

Which features did version 1.0 of the web have?

Some prominent characteristics of the first generation of the World Wide Web included:

  • In the early days of the World Wide Web (Web 1.0), the vast majority of websites relied on static content, meaning that the information presented on each page did not change unless the owner updated it manually.

  • Web 1.0 sites had relatively limited opportunities for user participation. Users could read the article, but they couldn't comment or contribute anything to it.

  • Web 1.0 was characterised by its one-way nature of communication, in which visitors could only view the information that the site's owner made available. There was no way for visitors to the site to contact either the administrator or each other.

  • Although some web 1.0 sites included photographs and other forms of media, the technology was not advanced enough to provide immersive multimedia experiences.

  • Sites from the first generation of the Internet (Web 1.0) tended to have a minimalistic aesthetic, with plain text and uncomplicated layouts being the norm.

Types of Web 1.0-Era Sites

Web 1.0 platforms include Yahoo! and Amazon's original versions of their websites. As information repositories, these websites lacked the interactivity and dynamism of their modern counterparts. Other types of web 1.0 platforms include the early web-based forums and directories that people used to disseminate information and interact with one another. The foundational aspects of the present internet may be traced back to Web 1.0 platforms, the first iteration of the World Wide Web.

Is it fair to say that Web 1.0 flopped?

Web 1.0, the first iteration of the World Wide Web, did not truly "fail" in the sense that it stopped serving any purpose. Web 2.0 and subsequent versions of the web replaced it because they were more user-friendly and practical.

Making Money on the Web 1.0

Ad sales were the primary means by which the early web was monetized prior to the advent of Web 2.0 and the widespread use of social media. This was most commonly seen as banner ads or sponsored links on various websites. At the same time, e-commerce was gaining traction, and more and more businesses started selling their wares online.


The goal of the first iteration of the World Wide Web (also known as Web 1.0 or just the web) was to make information readily available to its users. That was before the emergence of web-based applications and the widespread use of modern techniques for interacting with websites. Web 1.0 sites tended to be informational brochures that offered nothing in the way of user participation or community. The origins of Web 2.0 may be traced back to the introduction of dynamic web-based apps and the ability for users to engage directly with websites.

I will like to invite @patjewell @goodybest @mayberling to participate in this contest

 last year 

Web3 is the new internet that we are looking out for now. You have presented a nice post and thank you for the sound knowledge you have shared with us.

 last year 

Thanks friend

 last year 

I agree with you Web 1.0 was not a total failure.
It got people to know and talk about the web world which it was intended to do. Web 1.0
Thanks for the invite!

 last year 

Thanks m’am


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