"The boarding school effects on children"

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago (edited)


The Boarding schools have though long been a topic of interest and whereas debate when it comes to the effects they have on children and more. In consideration of whether we have personally experienced boarding school or not, but properly understanding the impact it can have on children is very crucial and necessary.
Then, this content, will greatly explore the boarding school effect, discussing personal experiences here, the decision to send children to boarding schools as well, the challenges of adjustment where necessary, and the long-term outcomes of such an education as it maybe.


  • Have you or someone close to you experienced life in a boarding school? Would you like to share the experience?

While the case may be that have been lucky to attend a boarding school but I wasn't a boarder myself, I did had close friends who did and was amazing seeing that. Observing their very experiences and as well discussing on how it's happening in there, I witnessed the transformation they underwent duely. Living away from home as well, they developed a sense of independence properly, self-reliance, and as well adaptability that shaped their character in profound ways greatly.

  • Will you love to send your kids to a boarding school? Please give your reasons.

In Deciding whether to send your own kids to a boarding school is a deeply personal choice one has to take. Some parents may option for a boarding schools due to the pursuit of academic excellence of their kid, exposure to diverse cultures as well, or the cultivation of independence as the case may be needed. Boarding schools can so provide a structured environment that really fosters personal growth, character development, and the acquisition of life skills in functioning properly.


  • What have been the experience trying to relate, to bond or to adjust a kid after spending years in a boarding facility.

For the children who spend years in boarding facilities here, adjusting to life outside can be challenging too for them. They may really struggle to relate to peers who have grown up with constant parental guidance at home. However, with time by time, patience, and support from family and friends as well, these challenges can be overcome properly. Building strong relationships well and nurturing empathy can help really bridge the gap in understanding and create lasting connections forever.

  • Do boarding school really produce people who are ready and able to cope with the reality of life without the traditional parental guidance?

One of the very aims of boarding schools is to prepare the students for the realities of life here beyond the sheltered environment of home and otherwise. By necessarily fostering independence, due resilience, and problem-solving skills, the boarding schools equip students to face challenges head-on and how to handle each. While they may lack traditional parental guidance from home, they learn to navigate life's obstacles and develop a strong sense of self-reliance with great effect.

  • Can the discipline obtained from such institution equal that of the parents at home? What can't be learnt in a boarding facility? Do you think they are missing out of any important aspect of their development?

The Boarding schools are well known for their emphasis on discipline here, which can greatly play a vital role in shaping a child's character and manner of behavior. However, it is very important to note that the discipline obtained at the boarding facility should complement the values instilled by parents at home as well. Parental involvement remains very crucial in so molding a child's moral compass and providing emotional support together.

What's Missing and Developmental Aspects:
While the boarding schools offer numerous benefits that impacts, there are here aspects of development that children may miss out on greatly. The daily interactions with their parents, the nurturing bonds with siblings at home and relations, and the familiarity of home and thus arrangements can sometimes be absent. It is so important to strike a balance between the independence and the nurturing environment that a family provides for all.



The pretty boarding school effect on children is well recognize as complex matter. While boarding schools can certainly cultivate independence, resilience, and academic success for children, they also definitely present challenges in terms of adjustment for kids and the absence of traditional parental guidance and norms. Ultimately, the very decision to send children to boarding school should be so made based on individual circumstances and beliefs, taking properly well into consideration the child's needs, and again family dynamics, and the desired outcomes of their very education.

I invite @uduak3287, @bossj23 and @benton3 to join this contest and great thanks to @steem4nigeria for organizing this which I'm prolific to take part off.
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Review Date30/10/2023

MODs Comment/Recommendation:
It's true that the effect of a boarding school depends on the student, the family, the school and the choice of friends at school.
We will love to read more from you. Keep making good quality posts in the Steem4nigeria community And Please remember to always share your post on Twitter and endeavor to join the #Nigeria-trail for more robust support in the community. Click the link Nigeria-trail to join. And if you have difficulties joining, you have a guide to join which can be of help

 8 months ago 

Thanks sir for This update and review as well.

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