My Neighborhood Watch #53 - Reporting Events Around us

in Steem4Nigeria25 days ago
The Magic of Rainy Season


Hey 👋 dear Neighbors!

Have you really noticed this how our amazing neighborhood has really transformed well just recently? It's so definitely like a magic! I must say. After then some months of dry and dusty days, the dynamic rainy season is definitely here, and sure it's bringing our surroundings back to it's life. And Everywhere you look at, plants are really looking greener, more fresher, and more energetic too.

During Dry season

[The plants fading off at dry season]

Just certainly some months ago, our dear plants were really struggling. Without getting enough water, their very leaves were falling off almost all, and too they looked sad and so tired. Let's Imagine being really really thirsty on a very hot day, but then there’s no water to drink and seize that thirst.

  • That’s definitely how our dear plants really felt. The dry season we had really made it hard for them to certainly stay healthy just because they couldn’t get in properly the water they really needed.
Now in the Rainy Season

But now, with awesomely the rain massively pouring down, it's definitely a complete different story! here. Water is indeed super important for the plants and many more. It's so much like their favorite drink that helps keeps them alive and so strong. When all plants really get enough of the water, they too can stand so tall and then their leaves become so much bright green.

  • This water always helps them to really make their own food through a unique process called the "photosynthesis" with the help of sunlight. It’s much more like having a full meal that so much gives all the desire energy they really need to grow and stay giant and healthy.

[The plants 🌵 all fresh now]

Though You might have maybe seen the flowers really blooming beautifully and as well the grass turning into a unique lush, green carpet. The Trees too are growing their new leaves, and then the whole of the neighborhood feels much like it’s bursting with life entirely. Indeed The rainy season is really like a big party for our dear plants – they’re much either celebrating by looking their very best!

[My Neighborhood looks now]

  • Please Next time you walk maybe around the neighborhood definitely, always try take a moment to indeed enjoy this very wonderful change. Look well too at how the plants have so come back to their lives with the very help of the rain. It’s really a beautiful reminder of basically how important water is to life, though it's not just for plants, but entirely for all of us too. So, please let’s do well to appreciate this rainy season and also the amazing transformation it really brings to our dynamic neighborhood.

I'm pleased on inviting @bossj23, @saintkelvin17 and @davidmarkgoerge.
connect me on Steemit

Stay safe and do enjoy the greenery!


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