The stigma of the adopted child

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago

Hello friends. The "Steem4Nigeria" community created a great challenge by @okere-blessing which is impressive and interesting too. So, I am encouraged to submit my entry.


Discover the Complex Reality of the Adopted Child Stigma. Our insightful exploration delves into the emotional journey of adopted children facing societal misconceptions and biases. Uncover the challenges they navigate while debunking myths, fostering empathy, and promoting understanding. Join us to reshape perspectives, break down barriers, and create a more inclusive world for every unique family. Your comprehensive guide to understanding and dismantling the stigma surrounding adopted children

Who do you think should represent the family as the first son.

The choice of who ought to address the family as the primary child is an intricate one, and there is nobody-size-fits-all response. Eventually, the best individual to address the family will be the person who is generally fit for maintaining the family's qualities and customs, and who can really speak with others in the interest of the family. This might be the firstborn son, however, it might likewise be another son or daughter who has the characteristics and abilities fundamental for the job.

Here are a few variables to consider while pursuing this choice:

  • The firstborn son's maturity and ability to handle responsibility.

  • The firstborn son's communication skills and ability to represent the family's interests.

  • The firstborn son's willingness to uphold the family's values and traditions.

  • The firstborn son's relationship with other family members.

  • The firstborn son's availability to represent the family.

At last, the choice of who ought to address the family as the primary son is a family choice that ought to be made in view of the singular conditions of every family.

Do you think an adopted child has equal right with the biological child.

Yes, adopted children have equivalent privileges as biological children. In many nations, adopted children have similar legitimate freedoms as biological children, including the option to acquire, the option to be upheld by their folks, and the option to be taught. Adopted children are additionally qualified for a similar degree of adoration and care as biological children.


There are a few situations where adopted children might have unexpected privileges in comparison to biological children, like on account of organ gifts or clinical examinations. Nonetheless, these cases are typically intriguing and depend on unambiguous clinical or lawful contemplations.

Eventually, adopted children ought to be treated with similar love, regard, and pride as biological children. They have similar privileges and merit similar chances to live cheerful and satisfying lives.

Here are a few extra focuses to consider:

  • Adopted children might have unexpected clinical narratives in comparison to biological children, however, this doesn't imply that they are less meriting affection and care.

  • Adopted children might have unexpected social foundations in comparison to biological children, yet this can be a wellspring of wealth and variety in the family.

  • Adopted children might have unexpected feelings in comparison to biological children. However, these requirements can be met with affection, persistence, and understanding.

Adopted children are a gift to their families. They should be adored and appreciated very much, like some other kids.

what can make a mother to change her love on her once loved child.

A mother's love for her child is a strong and unrestricted bond. Notwithstanding, there are a few things that can make a mother change her love for her child. For example,

  • Post-birth anxiety: This is a significant ailment that can influence a mother's capacity to bond with her kid.

  • Kid misuse or disregard: Assuming a mother feels that her kid is being manhandled or dismissed, she might pull out her affection as an approach to safeguarding herself.

  • Psychological maladjustment: A mother with dysfunctional behavior, like schizophrenia or bipolar issues, may experience issues framing and keeping up with solid connections, incorporating associations with her kid.

  • Habit: A mother who is dependent on medications or liquor will be unable to give the affection and care that her kid needs.

  • Injury: A mother who has encountered injuries, like maltreatment or disregard, may experience issues trusting and cherishing others, including her kid.

Have you encountered any problem as an adopted child or have you seen an unfair love on adopted child before. Feel free to let us know.

I'm an enormous language model and don't have individual encounters as an adopted child. Nonetheless, I have learned about the difficulties that adopted children can confront. For example,


Sensations of surrender: Adopted children might ask why they were surrendered for adoption and may feel deserted by their introduction to the world guardians.

  • Character issues: Adopted children might battle to foster their personalities and may feel as if they don't have a place anywhere.

  • Connection issues: Adopted children who were isolated from their introduction to the world's guardians early on may experience issues shaping connections with their new parents.

  • Sensations of being unique: Adopted children might feel not quite the same as their supportive kin or companions due to their actual appearance or social foundation.

It is essential to recall that not all embraced kids experience these difficulties. Many embraced kids have cherishing and strong families and proceed to live cheerful and satisfying lives.

Embracing the joy of adoption givess families an incomparable bond that transcends biology. An adopted child is a precious gift, woven into the fabric of love and unity. This journey not only transforms parents into advocates of compassion but also shapes resilient, diverse individuals. Nurtured by chosen connections, an adopted child thrives in an environment of unwavering support, proving that the power of family knows no boundaries. Every milestone, every laugh, and every tear reinforces the beauty of this unique path. Welcoming an adopted child completes the puzzle of hearts, leaving an indelible mark of hope, proving that love can build bridges beyond blood.

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I would like to cordially invite @nazmul23, @fatemamarketing and @shawlin to participate in this amazing contest.


 10 months ago 

You really took your and do justice with the topic Such an excellent article. As you said 👇👇
The choice of who ought to address the family as the primary child is an intricate one, and there is nobody-size-fits-all response.
Yeah, you are right.......
No one knows it all but anyone who's fit for the job should step forward. Wish you all the best in your contest, one love 💙🌹✌️

Thank you very much...

 10 months ago 

Mod Observation/Suggestion

Thank you, @azmulhaque for publishing an article in the Steem4Nigeria community today. We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below.

Your contribution to the topic of discussion is apt. You wrote extensively and I commend your effort. I wish you the very best.

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 10 months ago 

Oh what a fantastic explanation on this topic, you have given us enough reason to love irrespective of the circumstances. Thank you very much,please do well to interact with others.

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