Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 43: My beliefs about Cesarean Section (CS)

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago



Hello my beautiful people. Before I start by telling you all what cesarean section means,I will first and foremost say what it means to deliver or what childbirth is all about, be it through a normal way of child's birth or C section.

Childbirth, also known as labour, parturition and delivery, is the completion of pregnancy where one or more babies exits the internal environment of the mother through vaginal delivery or caesarean section.

So this occur when a mother is in a state where she suffer pain, restlessness, confused and eager to have her child come out in a good state. The joy of every mother is to have a safe delivery and this come involved the welfare of the mother and her child.

I will love to tell us what cesarean section means or C section means.

Cesarean section is seen as the surgical delivery of a baby through a cut made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. Healthcare providers uses it when they belief is more safer for both the mother and baby.

A cesarean section is typically performed when complications from pregnancy makes vaginal birth difficult,or put the mother and the child at risk. Sometimes cesarean deliveries are planned early in the pregnancy, but they are most often performed when complications arise during labor.

Though in some cases CS is a the result of fear to push out baby, but then there Major reasons why is necessary for CS to performed in such person to avoid further complications. And some of these reasons include:

  1. Baby's head too big for the birth canal
  2. The baby coming out feet first (Breech)
  3. Early pregnancy complications
  4. Mother's health conditions, such as (high blood pressure or unstable heart disease)
  5. Reduced oxygen supply to the baby
    6.The baby coming out shoulders first (transverse labor)
  6. Problems with the umbilical cord

So let's come to think of it, if most of these complaints occur, is there any miracle that can be done for the mother to deliver through the vagina?? The answer is obviously no way,precaution need to be carried out immediately.

Do you think CS should be a choice /right or as situation demands?

Honestly to me CS shouldn't be a choice, it should be as normal as vaginal birth,because there's no how to stop CS if need arise to, you might say I don't like it but then are you to consider yourself or be concern about the baby's life too. So it's very right and normal to me for CS to be done in order to ease some further complications.



So whenever need arises for CS to be carried out, please by all means do it, people might call you names like "A LAZY WOMAN" but then your life is more Paramount.

Is there any history or stories about the belief of women who gives birth through CS in your country/Community?

Yes I do, there's this woman in my community who birthed all her children through CS, despite discouragement from most people advising her to try a normal vagina delivery, saying the CS might cause her harm after birth or thereafter.

But instead she didn't give ear to any of those talks, because considering her life and that of the baby first was very important, and considering again order from her husband, because he's also in support of that, reason be that he doesn't want anything to happen to his wife and child.

Up till date her children are grown,strong and healthy, happily and comfortable without any case of lost or sad news

What is your advice to that person who is refusing this process because of what people will say?

If you are to choose between your life and that of your baby being at risk,and considering or minding what people might say about you,which would you go for??? It's obvious that the answer is already clear.

My advice to every mother is reduced the risk of death of the mother the baby, by doing the necessity to safe the both, not minding the swollen belly after the section because there's always a way out to reduce it.



There's a new research from world health organization (WHO) that the case of cesarean section is increasing and rises globally,because it's essential and lifesaving surgery.

Will you support your sister,wife to Choose CS in case of any emergency during childbirth? Or you allow her to wait untill the due time.

I'll definitely support in any way i can,because watching her go through pains as a result of prolonged labor is not proper. Fully knowing that is the best safest for both the mother and child.

My invites:


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