What steps should be taken to Eliminate Crime in Society? 08/11/2023

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago


Crime occurs in every society for reasons. With the advancement of technology and education the crime rate, in society has significantly increased. Consequently there is a growing need for law enforcement to combat crime. Preserving the order and unity of society is crucial. It is essential to continue developing the community by implementing measures that can help curb or prevent activities. In this article I will explore steps that in my opinion can play a role, in suppressing or preventing crime.

Police Department

The Police Administration is one of the direct law requirement organizations. The police must appear honesty, judgment, and truthfulness in carrying out their obligations and for this, they must guarantee responsibility for their activities. The police force must play a part in avoiding crime with integrity, free from all impacts, to capture offenders, examine the cause of crime, plan reports. This will decrease the level of crime a lot. We need to guarantee the correct and reasonable application of the law in crime suppression. If there's a issue within the application of the law, it is vital to change the law.


Development of Economic System

The economic system of society is regularly faulted for the crime. The capitalist economic system can also be specified as one of the reasons for the drift of crime. Subsequently, it is prudent for the nation to have a rational economic system where the utilization of assets and opportunities and its reasonable and equitable conveyance can be accelerated and so that misuse and treachery are killed within the society. Only at that point will the economic and social improvement of the nation be conceivable and the crime slant will be killed. Unemployment is also one of the reasons for the drift of crime. Destitution comes down to the unemployed life, which opens the entryway to crime. To illuminate this issue, it is necessary to organize appropriate employment. In any case, it isn't right that criminal activities will not happen once unemployment is eliminated. Individuals need to outlive by progressing their standard of living. When he fails to progress the standard of living with his constrained salary, he chooses the way of different violations.

Role of Mass Media

The role of mass media in countering crime is exceptionally noteworthy. Open mindfulness can be made by spreading the harmful viewpoints of crime through the media. The national and international media must be active in this respect. The Campaign of the media makes scorn of the individuals towards crime and offenders and makes the individuals regard effectiveness, genuineness, equity, and law. Subsequently, the level of anti-crime pictures and essays should be expanded through radio, tv, daily papers, movies, and shows. Its positive impact on crime remediation will be observed.

By Controlling the Population

Population control is fundamental to decrease crime. It can be seen that the crime rate is higher within the most crowded countries within the world. As a limited and orderly population may be a prerequisite for a crime-free society, successful measures ought to be taken to control the population. This will diminish the level of crime.

International Support

The significance of worldwide help and participation in crime suppression is gigantic. In case of a major or complex crime in any nation, international help is required for an unbiased examination and identification of the genuine offender. Additionally, expanding worldwide participation is fundamental to check the smuggling of valuable and hurtful goods such as gold and Drugs, and to guarantee that offenders don't escape to neighboring or removed lands to commit major violations. For this, prisoner exchange understandings can be made with different nations.


System of Recreation

If there's no legitimate recreation system in society, individuals lock in in different undesirable and unwanted exercises. Due to the need of excitement , particularly the youth are included in different sorts of criminal activities. Such as burglary, robbery, grabbing, drinking, assault, blackmail, kidnapping, etc. Subsequently, it is vital to have different sorts of engaging activities in cities and towns.


Institutions of Religions

Religious institutions play a noteworthy part in forming one's personality. The common denominator of all religions is genuineness, participation with others, sympathy, humankind, dedication, educating to follow the rules of their individual religions, religious institutions. Hence, a individual who follows to the lessons of a religious institution goes without from out of line and fiendish deeds. Since he accepts that he can dodge the eyes of the man within the corners of his shame, but he cannot dodge the eyes of the Creator. In this way religiously the institution works for social cohesion.

An excellent, secure, and peaceful environment is essential for the improvement and progress of each nation and it is possible to guarantee a lot of that environment by preventing and suppressing crime



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