Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) | S12W5- "My Skill Takes Me Up" by amoakdaniel

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago (edited)

In your opinion, what do you think a skill is?

Imagine if acquiring a skill was akin, to gaining a superpower through practice. It's like mastering the art of riding a bike until you can effortlessly glide along. Skills encompass a range of abilities from cooking to drawing and even engaging in conversations with others. They serve as tools that enable us to accomplish tasks effectively and enhance our lives. Whether its at work or in our activities skills prove invaluable acting as superpowers that elevate our quality of life. Always remember that with practice and perseverance anyone can develop these skills!



In your country, is a skill or skills needed for daily survival, or is not needed?

In Ghana possessing abilities is crucial for navigating life successfully. Skills such as farming, craftsmanship and trading hold value. Many people rely on these talents for their livelihoods. For instance those skilled in farming can grow their food while adept artisans create goods for sale. Moreover having trading skills allows individuals to engage in buying and selling activities. These proficiencies empower people to take care of themselves and their families. In Ghana practical skills are like the tools needed for an fulfilling life—they form the foundation, for independence and stable income!



Tell us some skills in your country that are so resourceful.

In Ghana there are three valued skills; IT expertise, banking and carpentry. IT professionals play a role, in ensuring the use of technology for businesses and education. Banking experts assist individuals and businesses in managing their finances.. Then we have carpentry, which involves the craftsmanship of creating wooden structures and furniture. These skills form the backbone of our country contributing to its growth and smooth operation. They empower individuals to excel in their fields and become contributors to Ghanas progress and prosperity. Through these skills people not contribute to the economy. Also enhance the overall well being of our nation.



What skill do you wish to learn and why do you want such a skill

The idea of learning photography and graphic design is incredibly thrilling. Photography has this ability to capture moments preserving them as cherished memories for a lifetime. On the hand graphic design provides a canvas for crafting visually captivating messages. Together they offer possibilities for storytelling that truly captivates audiences hearts. These skills hold the key to self expression. Effectively conveying messages with impact. In todays world they are akin, to superpowers. Valuable abilities worth acquiring.. You know what's even better?They offer enjoyment and a platform, for imagination



Thank you. I would love to invite @edmund.nef,@artist1111, and @natz04 to join me in the contest


Thanks for mentioning..


Great entry from your side. Keep up with the consistency and link up with me on telegram for us to vibe. The future is bright.


Sure. What is your telegram username


The name is invalid. This is mine user0554046342

 9 months ago (edited)


I saved your contact but still not available.

0554046342 text me on WhatsApp


Hey bro. I’m still waiting for your message on WhatsApp

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