The irony of marriage

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

Hello Steemians,

How are you guys doing today? I hope you guys are doing well? If so, then glory be to God who has made it possible for we all to see today once again.

In this write up, I will be sharing with you guys the irony the has taken place in a marriage arrangement that I personally is a part and parcel of it.

It is very unfortunate that life is full of irony at times, when ever I think about life sometimes and the ironies of experience that has taken place in our societies today, It made me to actually agree with the popular notion that life is full of uncertainties.

These also made me to realize that we human beings on earth are all blind people heading to a blind destination.

This is because what ever decision and plans we have taken and with seriousness to achieve, we really can't tell if we are going to end it successfully or not.

Therefore, I can say that we are confused beings living together in a confused and uncertain world
going on in our pursuit for life to land in the destination that the natural will of life has choose for us.

The irony of marriage

A friend of mine called Samuel bethroted one of my female friend when we all were in j.s.s.3 in the secondary school year (2009), ever since that time they have been in the relationship and they both like each other very much.

After our graduation from the secondary school year 2012, the girl came to me one day and said that alot of of guys are disturbing her for her hands in marriage.

So I asked her of her response to those guys proposal, and she said that it is only Samuel my friend that she will ever marry if not him, she will marry no one else, so I said ok make sure you keep your to your words.

Two years after that time, she called me on phone and said that she is restless now, and I asked her of the reason why she said she is restless and she said that her parents and family members are really worrying her to accept one of those guys that have been disturbing her.

Then I asked her again, what is your mind? Are you tired of waiting for my friend Samuel? and she said that it is her mind to marry my guy but what is bothering her is that my friend is how not putting effort for him to make it in life has been so that they could get their marriage done and I should know that time waits for no body.

So I said yes I understand her, even myself I have been talking to my guy to be serious too because I discovered some laxity in him but I will still talk to my guy.

After some time, my guy Samuel called me and was complaining that the girl was telling him to be serious for life that she don't like to hear that but I told my guy that she was right that he should take it easy and hzzle for life with seriousness.

But my guy doesn't listen to me, so the misunderstanding between him and the girl continues, at times they get resolved and at times they still misunderstand themselves again till early last year when the finally broke up.

After the girl broke up with Samuel my friend, she accepted another man's proposal and fixed her marriage to be April this year.


She finally got married to the man that proposed to her and did a very expensive wedding.

She and the man during their traditional marriage.


She and her man with her mother.


It is very unfortunate that the marital intention of my guy towards mercy became ironical, but life itself is full of uncertainties, though don't too much blem the girl, but I still blem her impatience.


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Such is life, it waits for no one and in life we just need to put in work to achieve our set goals. I pray she enjoys her marriage and may Samuel too find her own mate and path.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile


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