Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 19: The boarding school effect on children

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago

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Life in a boarding school can be considered as a unique and enriching experience that can offer a high-quality education along with personal growth and character development. Boarding school do prepare students ahead of their college not just in academical terms but preparing them in terms of life skills, social skills and the likes of them.

Most of the students do relate and form a second or new family in the school domitory or campus. Is there any cons and prons of boarding in school? @Steem4Nigeria contest will give us the opportunity to say our mind.

Have you or someone close to you experienced life in a boarding school? Would you like to share the experience?

I've experienced life in a boarding school and i'll like to share my experience, the main reason i joined this contest. Life in a boarding school wasn't easy for me because i had no flexibility and comfortability.


At home, i do sleep alone in my room, rolling on my big mouka foam, but at school it wasn't that way. I shared a single room with 2 students (my roommates), 3 people sleeping on one bed was so uncomfortable for me. Since i was there to learn, i overlooked things and focus.


Another bad experience i had in boarding school was food. My parents will send me provisions like Friday, then on Tuesday i'll call them again complaining about the same provision they brought not up to a week. I didn't finish it all alone, my roommates ate everything, most at times taking the food without my consent. When i left the house to boarding school, i was healthy and handsome, but life in school turned me into what i can't even explain.

Will you love to send your kids to a boarding school? Please give your reasons.

NO, I won't love to send my kids to a boarding school. What i passed through when i was in boarding school is what i promised myself that my kids will never experience such thing. How can i be struggling to sleep with 2 people on one foam? How can i be trying to manage my provisions yet my roommates are helping me to waste it? No, i controlled my temper until i was done in school, maybe my kids won't be able to do that, so i don't support my kids boarding in school.

What have been the experience trying to relate, to bond or to adjust a kid after spending years in a boarding facility.

It's sometimes challenging for most parents to relate with their kids after so many year spent in a boarding facility. The same thing happened to my parents. After i came back from boarding school, i was use to food management, meanwhile my parents hate to see someone starve or manage food when the food is enough. They yelled at me when i refuse to eat much, but i thank God for my parents, they studied me and they gave me time to adjust, and here i am, back to my normal eating method.

Do boarding school really produce people who are ready and able to cope with the reality of life without the traditional parental guidance?

YES, boarding school really helps individuals cope with the reality of life. Staying in boarding school is similar as staying alone in our own apartment. Most of the things we face, we overcome them without our intervention or help. So going through all the challenges alone do prepare students ahead, and this helps them cope with the reality of life without the traditional parental guidance.

Can the discipline obtained from such institution equal that of the parents at home? What can't be learnt in a boarding facility? Do you think they are missing out of any important aspect of their development?

NEVER. The discipline obtained from boarding school can be never be the same as that of the parents at home. The school administrator and the people working with them doesn't know the students the way their parents know them, so it's hard for the school to know the good disciplinary method to be used on each child.

In a boarding facility, children can't learn home-made meals, family relationship, closeness to God, culture etc.


Children staying in boarding school do miss a lot , most students lack respect. They don't stay with their parents, and the school hardly teach this children how to be respectful. Even when trying, the school do give up, but the parents won't, because they know the benefits of raising a respectful child.


While boarding school can be very effective in terms of socialization, life skills, independence and the likes of them, we should be cautious when taking this decision for our kids. We should think about the cons and pros of letting them stay away from us. I'm sure you've learnt a little from my post, take the right decision and see your child explore.

I invite @bossj23 @josepha @emmy01 @soobuhi @darr22 to participate in this contest.

Cc: @Steem4Nigeria

Thanks for reading


Boarding school is a portal of encounter. This statement of yours wants to crack my ribs with laughter.

When i left the house to boarding school, i was healthy and handsome, but life in school turned me into what i can't even explain.

Your experience might be bad but there are some valuable lesson that you have learnt.

You're right bro, my experiences were bad, but I've learnt a lot. It's true na, i was thin,haha. Life in school can't be compared as that of our home.

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