The green spotlight #10; Forgiveness made easy.

in Steem4Nigeria9 days ago (edited)


Hello and welcome to the tenth edition of the green spotlight, Good to have you stop by again.

Over here at the green spotlight we love to read and explore inspiring books through our weekly review. We believe that readers are leaders and when you read you get insights which serves as green light, hence is synonymous with success.

Did you hear that a white man said that when you want to hide something from a black man, that you should put it inside a book?

Maybe that was the case in the past but it’s not anymore and many Africans have risen who understands the importance of reading, have written great books and are taking the world by storm.

We belong to that squad. Join us as we glean wisdom weekly from those who have set the pace.

Our last edition reviewed a book on leadership and how to be a good and great leader. Today we would delve into a subject relating to life and relationships and that’s the subject of forgiveness.

Curios right? That brings us to our book for review which is “Forgiveness made easy”.

Unto the review of the week

The review of this week is centered on the book “Forgiveness made easy”

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Author : Dag Heward mills
Year published: 1997
Number of chapters: 5
Number of pages: 12
Published by : Lighthouse Publishing

My opinion about the book “Forgiveness made easy’’


The subject of forgiveness is a tacky one and most times people say that forgiveness is divine while to err is human.

From my little experience, forgiveness is human too because if we don’t get to forgive one another when we know that we are erring humans, then how would we live on earth?

We would have killed each other unto extinction because on daily basis, we offend one another countless times.

Real Forgiveness is difficult most times to achieve because we would say we have forgiven someone only for the pains to resurface again or we get angry when we see the person meaning we’ve not really forgiven.

Hence the need to read this simple yet very inspiring book on how to easily forgive. Let’s delve deeper and see what we can glean from the pages, shall we?

Key points from the chapters

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There’s a saying that forgiving someone is releasing someone from the prison only to realize the prisoner was you and I believe totally in that from my multitude of experiences.

Some interesting points to take away from this book are;

  • Forgiveness should be an integral part of our lives. If you do not know how to forgive someone then there’s something strange about you because we all err and God forgives us. If God forgives you, why won’t you forgive others?

  • The writer here gives a test to know if you have forgiven someone and he called it “The Lord’s Prayer test”.

Did someone offend you lately or in the past and you are wondering if you’ve really forgiven the person? Why not find out what this test is, carry it out and know whether you have really forgiven the person.

  • We sin countless times and ask to be forgiven even when we do the same things over and over again. If we can be forgiven countless times, why not forgive others.

The author here is of the opinion that If we don’t forgive others we may not be forgiven. The sin of Unforgiveness is a sin which God may not forgive cos it clearly written in the scriptures. Why not see for yourself.

  • One of the ways to know you have not forgiven your offender is if you still have malice, anger, wrath, bitterness etc against the person then you’ve not really forgiven that offender.

  • Do you want to forgive easily? Do you know there are some things you can do to forgive the offender easily? One of those things is to analyze the offender.

Do you want to know how to analyze the offender? Pick up this book and go through it now. Thank me later.

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My rating of the book

Forgiveness is an integral part of our existence hence the need for this book.

I would give it a 8/10 rating. It’s a simple yet compelling book on forgiveness and I think you should read it.


If you don’t forgive people easily, you may be doing more harm to yourself than good. Unforgiveness is a breeding ground for all manner of vices and emotional trauma.

If you have issues with forgiving people easily, then read this book.

Thanks for coming down this lane with me. If you missed the last edition of the green spotlight on the Art of Leadership, you can have a look at it here, Edition 9

Your thoughts on this edition of the green spotlight is welcomed and hope to see you again on our subsequent editions.


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