in Steem4Nigeria8 hours ago (edited)

Hello friends today I will be participating on @steem4nigeria contest titled is formal education the only path to financial freedom

GridArt_20241002_105710435.jpg[image designed by myself on gridart]

Must you have a degree before you have a well paying job

As I have come to know now that school is not the only way to get financial stability many people out there do not have degree certificate but have high and we'll paying jobs. For me a person must not have a degree before he has a high paying job. Let me give you an example , the world richest man Elon Musk said he did not went to Cambridge University to attain any certificate or any other university but he is successful today because of hardwork. He also added that he knew many people who had excellent certificate but are working under him, some even do mini jobs.
So for someone to have a high paying job it is not too necessary to have a degree.

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Is the contest titled trying to condemn education

In my own view this contest is not condemning education rather it is telling us that education is good but school is not everything. As we all know education is different from school, exciting yourself is not until you attend school or college but you can learn from people around you and things you do and see every day.

Is it dangerous to have the view that you can only make money after schooling

It is very bad for a student to have the mentality that it is after school before he or she will make it. I know of a guy who studied chemical engineering in university he studied for I think six years or more but today he is a driver. But with that driving he has built his house and now owns his own motorcycle. So if he spent those time which he used in building a certificate to put more in that his driving work he would have gone far. So it is very dangerous to think that you must make money after you go through schooling.

How has steemit proven that you must not finish schooling before you make money

Steemit has proven to me that i can make money even if I do not go to school. Because if you can earn booming vote and also curator votes if you create a quality post and for a quality post you can earn up to 3 to 10 dollar in steem which is equivalent to 4500 naira to 15000 naira per post which has good quality. So steemit has proven to me. Not only steemit, skit making is also another that can earn you a living without going to school.

Thank you for reading I now call on @chiagoziee @caringmannaseh @onomzy001 @bonaventure24 and @dove11 to also take part in this contest.

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