I am from England. In England, we have sheep too and those sheep have babies called Lambs. You have 3 new lambs. When they get older, they will become sheep. I don't know how old they will be before the reference changes. For humans, it's 18. You then go from Child to Adult. For Lambs to Sheep, it is probably younger. Maybe 2 or 3. Which makes me wonder, when do Puppies become Dogs? How old was Max when he was no longer a Puppy? These are important things to consider.
Seems like Elton's been busy. He's probably got the other 10 "up the duff" too so you'd better be prepared for more mouths to feed 😉
Ja England ist mit vielen grünen Hügel wie gemacht für Schafe 🐑 .
Ich sehe Chriddi schon in einem Poncho über das Land ziehen , mal sehen wie das ist in 2 Jahren wenn das mit den Lämmer so weiter geht von 3 zu 11 Schafen ging ja schnell oder sind es schon 15 mit den kleinen Lämmer .
Sind schon 19... 🫣
Keine Bange, wir lassen uns etwas einfallen. Aber jetzt werden wir erst einmal die pure Lebensfreude genießen. Es ist zu schön... 🥰
Ich hatte heute einen Praxistag "Bauernhofpädagogik", ausgerichtet von der Landwirtschaftskammer. Da gab's dann einen Tag alte Kälber zu bestaunen. Auch sehr, sehr klasse!
Nein, nein, nein - ich bleibe spezialisiert... 😉
In dem Tempo in dem ihr „Unterstände“ baut würde mich nichts wundern wenn da noch ein Anbau kämme 😁
Das is richtig. Wir haben viele Hügel und viele Shafe "on our doorstep" 🙂
Mein Deutsch hat mich gelassen 😟
Hey gorilla , My English is not better !
Yes, well, that's how it is...: In Germany, the animals are also called lambs. I know how they are born (but Elton has nothing to do with it - the poorest teenager of all buck pastures...) and I can calculate that 11 could possibly turn into 30+ very quickly...
But that's a "problem" I want to think about later. On Friday I had an argument with Ralf: I "forbade" him from using the word slaughter when the babies are less than 24 hours old! Now I want to enjoy the animals first!
We can also think about sponsorships, a petting zoo or other ideas.
With all the "sheep tourists" we've had in our meadow since the lambs were born, I can already take an entrance fee... 😂
You are right to correct Ralf. Suggesting slaughter after less than a week is rude. Even I resisted the urge to write "yum yum yum" in my last reply.
If you do that, the planners might come around and start accusing you of storing your wood and nails inappropriately. Whilst it's clear to us that this is the most efficient storage approach for your materials and hay, they will somehow find a way of accusing you that it is something else 😉
Oh, indeed - I almost forgot about the biggest tool and material box in northern Germany... 😉
After visiting the veterinary office today and officially registering the whole flock (and myself as a serious shepherd), I have a pretty good feeling. The vets were very friendly and well-disposed. I was given addresses and telephone numbers of where else I have to register (and pay for everything...). Finally, we thanked each other for the very friendly conversation and confirmed how good it is to deal with things like this in person (not by email). When you look people in the eye, you can judge them much better. We look forward to working together, they want to refrain from inspection of the pasture and shelter. For one thing, they didn't have the manpower at the moment, and for another, they would have immediately believed every enthusiastic word I said about the herd and its accommodation... 😊
Aha, so wird also der Amtsschimmel um den Finger gewickelt ;-))
Das muss ich mir merken...