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RE: Das Jubiläum der Steemit-Haselnuss und der Garten!

in Deutsch Unplugged2 years ago

I really liked your greenhouse, very neatly arranged. Tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse feel good, as evidenced by their condition.

I have two hazelnut bushes. I really like to eat nuts :) But you probably won't see nuts this year.

I can't advise you on tulips, I've never grown them.

I'm interested in your new community page design. Did you talk to the-gorilla? He did a similar job, and I really liked his approach. But then he had obstacles that forced him to stop. And how do you see the future? Will you be able to reach the end?

 2 years ago 

Tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse feel good, as evidenced by their condition.

They have to ;-), because we want to harvest a lot in summer. With 5 people including two and a half teenagers, there is a lot of demand :-)) I don't like cucumbers myself, but there are enough people in the family who would eat a cucumber every day... I prefer tomato salad made from fresh tomatoes and with lots of onions :-)

But you probably won't see nuts this year.

I can't say exactly yet, as I lack experience. But such a hazelnut bush probably needs some time...

I'm interested in your new community page design. Did you talk to the-gorilla?

Thanks! Yes, we have talked about his project and I especially like his tag search. By clicking on the small grey circle next to the account name, you also land on his club-check page.

And how do you see the future? Will you be able to reach the end?

My original approach was more in the direction of a community page with small statistics and to be able to filter and find the articles in the community. In the meantime, however, it has become clear to me that the results can also be used in other ways: Account page, feed page, etc.
Where the end is, I can't say. There are many ideas! Whether I will achieve them, I can't say either. I don't set myself a goal, it's supposed to be fun and I'm happy when other users want to use the results. I myself use the site quite often when I read contributions in our community ... but I personally miss the feed page. That's why this will be the next milestone :-))

But then he had obstacles that forced him to stop

The gorilla, as far as I'm aware, had reconsidered development at that point when it came to login and the security that goes with it. He uses php to deliver the page and interaction would require the use of javascript.
I wouldn't call it unsolvable myself, but it requires some further action (for example publishing the code) and it's too early for me to do that.... but let's be surprised :-))

 2 years ago 

I prefer tomato salad made from fresh tomatoes and with lots of onions :-)

I also love this salad :) But sometimes I add cucumbers, it also works well.

I especially like his tag search

This tag search is great. I still use it when I curate content with an SC08 account. In addition, his tool for determining club status is impeccable.

In general, I was looking forward to his new design, so the news that he was stopping work was very sad for me.

My original approach was more in the direction of a community page with small statistics and to be able to filter and find the articles in the community.

I think you need to think of a larger scale than a community page. It seems to me that your work will be in demand.

At first I wanted to suggest you just finish that new the-gorilla's design, but I'm sure you have your own vision of the result :)

There are many ideas!

This is the best thing that can happen. I'm not a programmer, so I can't advise or help, but I'll keep an eye on your work. I'm interested :)

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much!
Unfortunately I'm not a designer, so I have to get inspiration from other sites. I've been looking at different blog sites and of course I have to consider what information I want to place.
For now, I just consider it an interesting occupation to create what I'm missing on Steemit. That's why I haven't communicated it outside our community yet, although it already works for every community :-) Those who read along here will be the first to know about it :-))

 2 years ago 

although it already works for every community

Yes, I've already tried your design for the WORLD OF XPILAR community. You wrote in your previous post that design works for any community :)

I'm not a designer

I'm not a programmer, but 10 years ago there was a boom in Ukraine to create sites. They were created by everyone and they were of low quality, but it was easy money :) So I also created sites. I installed a ready-made Joomla engine and then chose a free template.

I don't know how you do your design. Can you use a ready-made template and then improve it?

 2 years ago 

Can you use a ready-made template and then improve it?

Yes, I took a template and changed it to my wishes (see also the note in the footer).

In the meantime, however, I am almost at the point of creating something myself. I have read a lot about css and website design.
But before I touch the design again, the functions have to be ready.
So far, not many posts are retrieved and the filtering is not finished yet...

 2 years ago 

In the meantime, however, I am almost at the point of creating something myself.

Wow, that's a lot of work. The main thing is that you were interested in doing what you do :-)

But before I touch the design again, the functions have to be ready.

I absolutely agree. In addition, in order for your design to be more attractive than the standard one, you need to think about which features you currently lack in the standard design. Then, if possible, implement them in your new design.

Thank you for your attention and your answers.

 2 years ago 

I will see... anything ist possible :-)
Thanks for your comments.

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