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RE: Buchempfehlung - "Die Berlin-Trilogie" von Philip Kerr / Book recommendation - "Berlin Noir" by Philip Kerr

Hello @weisser-rabe
As you say, there is a lot of content regarding what happened, or at least the version of what happened that whoever writes or makes a video about the WWII season wants to show us, which regardless of the approach I think can be summarized without fear of being wrong that it was something terrible.

Surely the vision raised by someone who is in a middle point of the situation lived at that time must be very interesting, in the light of what that trilogy you mention says.

About two weeks ago I saw a video that caught my attention, and I am sure you could clarify that doubt. In this video it was said that during the whole period of basic training in Germany they studied what happened in WWII, and all the atrocities attributed mainly to Hitler and his close associates. And something that caught my attention is that it is an important area of study, that the German state through its ministry of education makes this topic relevant, that it assumes its responsibility for what happened and that education is to make known that it happened and that "never again should something similar happen".

I think you could be the one to clarify for me whether this is true or not. I found that particularly interesting.

 2 years ago 

Yes, Germany's responsibility resulting from its role in the world wars is prominently addressed in school education. In my opinion, not always in a meaningful way - if you are given "The Diary of Anne Frank" as compulsory reading and a visit to the former concentration camp as a class trip, then at best you get a few impressions around a few facts. The living stories of the grandparents fade, the contemporary witnesses die out. The majority of today's parents' generation has no connection to this part of the past. I think something important is being lost. And not only in relation to our country's Nazi past, but overall in terms of historical contexts. The less people know about it, the harder it is for them to judge current situations. I very much regret this loss of old knowledge.

It is very interesting to confirm the information I saw about it, but even more interesting to know that there are also other aspects that can be improved. The memory of the people should be more than structures, the spoken word, words based on facts and experiences have a greater weight, and to put them aside is not a good thing.

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