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RE: Die Feiglingin in mir ...

Hey, I don't know why it takes you so long to write (I say it in a really friendly tone, because I know it may sound like a claim), but I would like to read you at least once a week...

There is a contest over there that could be fun, about what would you do if you were Steemcurator01... I confess that writing about it doesn't encourage me much, but then I thought it could be fun to say what one thinks about it.

I know more or less what you think, but I only say it as a writing exercise, sometimes new things come out of one's mind lol :D

don't you dare? 😁🙈

 2 years ago 

Please excuse me for waiting "so long" with the answer. Yesterday I didn't have time and today - on my 5th Steemit birthday, which I will not celebrate - I thought for a while about making a post out of the answer. Well, I decided otherwise because I already decided a long time ago not to write about the Steem anymore.... ;-)

Jajaja (<- Spanish), don't worry, I don't take your wish as a claim, but as a compliment.
Well, you can definitely read me every week - I am responsible for the regular Scrabble game of @deutschunplugged, which sometimes "lectures" more, sometimes less extensively. The preparation and supervision of the game are quite time-consuming, I am hardly prepared to give much more time to the Steem. Well, I do: I invest a lot of time in reading and in dealing with other contributions. From the inside out, without forced "engagement" - just the way I've always done it as an oldschool Steemian.
As you can see, I still write my own articles from time to time, of course. I have to really feel like it, because these are not articles that are just written down.

There is a reason why I don't take part in challenges (not even in the past, not just since the "Engagement Challenges"): I like creativity that comes from within, I like people's own ideas, their individual implementation in texts. Yes, I also like good texts. I don't like it when everything is the same/similar, I hate it when all the headlines are standardised, I don't like to read the contributions and certainly don't like to rank myself in them. 'Writing exercise'? This is not meant to sound arrogant, but I don't think I need it. Of course, I know that many people use these challenges for that very purpose. Fine. Fine for them. I really don't need to read such texts in my spare time.

Honestly, it's the challenges that kept me from reapplying to be a community curator after three months. The work was never as boring as it was from the moment the challenges started. One post like the other and as a curator who takes his job seriously, you had to read them all. Of course, there are always posts that stand out from the crowd, but you have to find them first. Besides, with most texts you notice(d) that they are not written because the author likes or is able to write, but solely to get the attention of the sc(01). That is terrible! This behaviour (which of course is partly even provoked by the Steemit team itself) disgusts me, because I have always kept to the netiquette (Spanish version), believed in it. Unfortunately, many of my old oldschool friends are now gone - also because of this. No, not directly after the fork almost three years ago. Drop by drop until today...

Besides, it annoys me when users shoot their contribution into the community announcing the challenge and don't give a damn about the texts of the other participants. How rude! The Steem is based on the principle of give and take. If I don't do it by voting, I have to give others the attention I expect from them!

As for this particular contest you mention: Wow, what a lot of participants! Ooh, always the same "interesting" title. I wonder if the actual addressees read it all?!?
Well, at least they have already voted for some texts before the contest is even finished and evaluated...

don't you dare? 😁🙈

Hihi, of course I understood that this is a joke. Nevertheless, I pick it up because this "not dare" is sad fact with so many, many users. They prefer to bend, become hangers-on or blaspheme in the background for fear they might mess with the sc01. I do not like the company of such people. Not in real life, not on the platform.

If I have something to say to the Steemit team, then I really don't need a "challenge stash" for it, then I tell them directly.
The team even knows what I would do: I would vote nothing for two, three months, pure nothing (not even boring cr-reports). Only then would the wheat be separated from the chaff and we would finally know who is just chasing (high) votes and who is really interested in blogging and/or blockchain development. And there are other benefits of a whale staying out of the voting: The community learns to take responsibility for the blockchain. We own the chain, not the Steemit team alone. So we all are responsible for it.
Yes, I suggested that directly to the team. They actually found the proposal very interesting and worthy of an experiment, but said it wouldn't work for them for economic reasons. Unfortunately I can't find the link anymore, but here the dialog continued a few days later:

Thanks for your attention. I hope I didn't slay you, but now you know my opinion.... 😘

 2 years ago 

 2 years ago 

 2 years ago 

So ist Recht. Immer schön an die Geheimcodes halten!
Das haben die Chinesen früher so gemacht, um Zensursperren zu umgehen. Damals. Als Maschinen Text auf Bilddateien noch nicht lesen konnten. Lang' ist's her.

OK, die Faeser Crew aus dem Wahrheitsministerium kann das heute noch nicht. Die brauchen halt mehr man ESpower und haben ja ihre ehrenamtlichen Denunzianten im ganzen Land. Klappt auch.

Ist auch besser, schneller und witziger. Bevor du wieder unwissentlich auf hiveans_punkt_com rum pöbelst oder auf Porno Seiten in einseitige Small-Talks verwickelt wirst.

Der Bot ist ja süss, aber wieder sooo unkreativ. Hätte ich da mehr Einblick... Au weia.
Es gäbe die hilfsreichsten Befehle im BC Universum. Von !fuckofthisshit, !kleimian'nmors über !karmaisabitch bis zu !Waatdatwatt-Datwaatwatt wäre für jede Lebenslage was dabei.

Für Nixchecker sogar mit Lernfunktionen: !Joisteinvollstaendigersatz

 2 years ago 

Diese Hive- und Porno-Seiten, sind mir echt ein Dorn im Auge. Hoffe, die lässt du nicht aus, wenn es mal wieder richtig kracht! Dank deines Hinweises kann ich mich nun auch wieder an nützliches Vokabular erinnern...


Ich hau mal Moecki an... ;-)

 2 years ago 

I won't forget you and will answer tomorrow - there is a lot of explanation needed in your request and I don't have that much time right now... ;-)

Oh, okay, I'll wait for you... 😊

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