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RE: Steem Repräsentanten 2024: Eine Bewerbung geht noch...

I saw "Steem Repräsentanten" in the title and while translating it to English, I was thinking, it can't be true. Don't get me wrong, I'm only positively surprised. 😀

I'm not aware of the problems with under-representation of Europeans. However, I know one thing that it would be exciting and could be game-changing for Steem to have someone from the technical realms as a representative.

I am certain of your selection. I just hope your voice doesn't get drowned among the "steem reactionists".

 4 months ago 

I'm only positively surprised.

I'm very pleased about that :-)

problems with under-representation of Europeans.

I wouldn't call that a "problem". It's more the fact itself.
I'll see what the team decides. I'm relatively relaxed about it. They have definitely seen my application, so it won't " go down". :-)

to have someone from the technical realms as a representative.

I would like to ask you if you have any specific thoughts on what I could do for the users.

I know there's a crypto academy but lately, it's been all about engagement challenges. There's nothing new to learn like in the past when informative articles were posted by credible and expert-in-the-field authors.

I was wondering if someone like you could enlighten us on at least blockchain mechanism in layman's words. Many new users and even old users like me don't understand the workings of it completely.

It's too much to ask from a developer and a witness but if you can manage to explain things once in a while, that would be awesome. Weekly or even monthly posts would suffice the purpose.

Representatives shouldn't only limit themselves to guiding newcomers, promoting steem, and conducting contests. There's a lot more they can do. I think you are a perfect fit to do over and above the official "role description" of an SR.

 4 months ago 

I knew I would get a useful answer from you :-) Thank you for that.

Representatives shouldn't only limit themselves

That's right. It would be boring if everyone just did the same thing. As different as the users are, so should the SRs be.
As an SR, I wouldn't see myself in the role of organising competitions either. Regarding competitions, I'm so uncreative...

enlighten us on at least blockchain mechanism in layman's words.

A very good suggestion :-)
We'll see...

Just be yourself because if you get selected, it would be because of who you are, not what you will be.

All the best. ✌️

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