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RE: Hat die Welt eine Multipolare Persönlichkeitsstörung? / Does the world have a multi-polar personality disorder?

Dear @weisser-rabe

Friend of mine shared this post with me, saying that you've mentioned my name.

During these reflections, one thing became clear to me: we are already in the middle of it again. In a new Cold War

This is also partly how I feel about it. It does feel like the world is heading towards new Cold War. We may already be in one and the best thing we all can do (in my opinion): is find a way to work online, remotely. Which would allow us to move to places, which are not affected. There always will be places, where live goes "as normal".

May I point out here once again that the time could be ripe for a completely new model of society? One without nation states and one without parties in the political arena?

I believe, that this is dangerous line of thinking. Basically what you're suggesting would result with countries soverinty being lost and even more centralization of power.

Let's look at EU:

  • I cannot imagine, that people living in country remote from Brussel and ignored by EU leaders (pretty much all countries on east block of EU are in that situation) would see such a centralization of power to be good solution for them.

Higher centralization of power would also not protect us from military conflict. If you look at human history - it never did.

Look at Russia themselfs: huge country, ruled by one central power. And it's clearly not working. It has been even worse during times of USSR.

Decentralization of power is the only reasonable long term solution. Otherwise we're taking risk that one day such a central power will become corrupt and used against humanity.
History is full of stories, that ends this way. The only difference is, that in current days technology could allow things that could make it a real nightmate

Enjoy your weekend,
Yours, Piotr

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the thoughtful answer: we are not far apart in our wishes. I have no sympathy for a centralised power. On the contrary, decisions and responsibilities need to be as small-scale as possible. The residents and users of a street for the street, the residents of a city for this area, and so on. There should be balancing mechanisms that, for example, guarantee equal educational opportunities for all, regardless of where they live. The arbitration boards contain for disputes that require intervention. But - and this is my point: even if there are still nationalities and cultural traditions, I consider states as entities with borders to be outdated. There needs to be absolute freedom of residence worldwide and unhindered exchange of goods, opinions and ways of life.

Have nice day, too ;-))

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