Unknowingly, George Washington fueled the French-Indian war!

in ActnEarn4 years ago

Almost every independent country has a long history of gaining independence. The United States and the United States were no exception. The Americans had long waged an armed movement to liberate their territory from the British colony. This anti-British struggle is known in history as the American Revolution. And the hero of this revolution is George Washington. Although the United States gained independence in the 1890s, the French-Indian armed struggle played a significant role behind it.Originally the rise of George Washington was from there.

Despite gaining a reputation as the most successful commanding general in the American Revolution, the 22-year-old Washington can never escape responsibility for the French-Indian War. The war started in 1854 and lasted till 183. Great Britain and France have been in the North American region for a long time. In addition to the Ohio Valley, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia are embroiled in conflict over the Americas.
And the war started in George Washington, Virginia.


The war lasted seven years, largely due to the wrong decisions of several other American commanders, including George Washington. In this way, the European allies of the two countries got involved in the war. The conflict spread beyond America to Europe, Asia and the African colonies. Native Americans also chose one side of the war as an ally in their own interests.Our discussion today is mainly about the role of George Washington in the French-Indian War, his responsibilities and how the lessons of this war later played a role in the American Revolution.

 *The Rise of Washington

The conflict in southern Pennsylvania began on May 26, 1854. The conflict began with a group of British and Mingo troops attacking a French military base. At that time, the French base was led by Commander Joseph Colনn de Villiers. The British, on the other hand, were led by 22-year-old George Washington and the Mingo Army was led by Tanacharison, also known as the Half-King.He had experience of conducting multiple minor battles in the Ohio area in the 1850s. As such, Washington was utterly immature. And inexperience later brought his danger.

Originally the Ohio Valley was only the focus of interest of the French and the British but not. Several tribal groups have been fighting for a long time to settle in the area. The Mingoras were the strongest of those tribes. They also influenced the British in various ways for their own interests. According to Gordon Collow, professor of history at Dortmouth College,Mingo king Tanacharison easily persuaded young Washington to wage war against the French. The cunning Mingora wanted to bring down the French with the help of the British.

Upon reaching Joseph's camp, British-Mingo troops opened fire on the French. One by one, they killed almost every French soldier that day. Not even Commander de Villiers escaped them.
After this incident, the rulers of the two colonial countries sat motionless. A mingo fighter testified against Washington in response to a question about who fired shots earlier in the trial. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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