Rise of the Roman Empire (Episode 16): Second Punic War 209-207 BC

in ActnEarn4 years ago

*Fall of New Carthage (209 BC)
The Senate was determined to conquer Spain, even after the deaths of two CPOs and the defeat of Roman forces. Because Carthage was supplying his resources and manpower from Spain. The Senate became bitter over the lack of an aggressive mentality in Spain’s Roman captain Nero. They wanted someone who would be as aggressive as the two CPO brothers.

210 BC The new Roman commander, elected by special law, arrived at the emporium with 10,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry. This young man's name is Publius Afrikanas CPO. He was the son of Publius CPO who died in 211 BC and the nephew of Genius CPO. Through him Rome got their best general in the Second Punic War, who had the power to compete with Hannibal.

The difference between the CPO and other Roman generals was that he analyzed in depth the tactics and strengths of his opponents. Perhaps he understood Hannibal's tactics better than Hannibal. When the CPO landed in Spain, there was a feud between the three Carthaginian generals, Mago, Hasdrubal Gisgo and Hasdrubal Barker. As a result, everyone was fighting the rebellious Spanish tribe in different ways.


The CPO did not attack any of them. He crossed the river with the rest, leaving some troops to defend the Roman base north of Roman Ebro. He then marched on the outskirts of New Carthage for seven days. There were only 1,000 troops to defend the city. And 25,000 infantry and 2,500 cavalry with the CPO.But naturally New Carthage is protected. Its location is in the area between the five hills of the peninsula. To the north a natural lagoon separates it, which is again connected to the bay by an artificial canal. The road from the peninsula to the mainland is also narrow, so no large army can come through it at once.

Roman ships were guarding the city behind the sea. Meanwhile, the CPO soldiers tried to climb the city wall with a ladder. They were having difficulty because of the height. And the city defense forces continue to resist them with great vigor. After a few hours of effort, the CPO moved to give rest to the tired soldiers. But at the same time he began to implement his second plan.

Local fishermen informed the CPO that the lagoon north of New Carthage was shallow in several places, through which the lagoon could be crossed. The CPO sent 500 brave and strong Roman soldiers with ladders, and again ordered them to attack the wall from the front to divert their attention.The city's defense forces rejoiced at the ouster of the Romans. He was a little shocked by the new attack. At this opportunity, the Roman troops entered the top of the wall from the north without any hindrance. When they opened the door, the main forces of the CPO started attacking. Indiscriminate killings and looting went on for a long time. Eventually the CPO ordered all shutdowns. Carthage's surviving troops were taken prisoner.

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