SECS 8 Week 4: The mental health of a content creator

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year

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made in canva

Today I would like to share with you about my mental health while writing posts on Stemit. Have a nice reading.

How do you feel when creating content? Is it a pleasant experience for you, or on the contrary, it raises anxiety and discouragement?


Creating content on Stemit gives me pleasure. I feel that I can de -stress and express myself, without exposing myself to too much hate as it happens in other social media, e.g. Instagram. My day becomes better as I sit down to the commute, I review the topics of competitions, sit down and write. It is an amazing experience for me in my life. Creating content here is great.

Have you ever felt mentally exhausted by everyday content generation? Tell us about your experiences.

Honestly, only once you would have been exhausted after writing posts on Stemit. I put 5 posts that day, which required full focus to write them well. However, it is generally not exhausting for me but pleasant and derived. Creating a good post takes me about 30 minutes is 30 minutes of great experience because I can share my opinion with others on a given topic.

Do you feel when your content is not valued as you expect? Does it affect you mentally?

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edited by canva

If my content is not appreciated by the voices of even curators, I start to worry a bit of what was in them. However, I try to remain calm in such a situation and find the source of the problem. Sometimes it can be just a badly added hashtag or a badly written club. I have the problem myself that I don't know where to check in what club I am in. However, this does not affect me mentally because I am calm.

What would your recommendations be for the creator of the content to keep a healthy mind?


First of all and probably the most important:
What too much is not healthy.
If you write three posts and you don't have the strength, don't write any further, take a break and if you rest, you can sit down to write.
Another important thing is not to worry about the fact that the post was not appreciated. If one in 20 posts does not get a vote, do not worry, maybe you did not go well here.

Thank you for reading my post.

I am stuffing that the above content is valuable and will help someone with something. I wish you a nice day.

I invite

PS. Please let me know what club I'm in, but I think I'm in club 5050.


Aquí podemos liberar nuestro estrés y tomar ánimo después de leer a otros compañeros, aprender de sus vivencias y mejor hasta nuestra salud.

You are right. Thank you for a comment. Have a nice day!


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