SECS 8 Week 5: The story of my birth

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year


Hi everyone, today is a very wonderful day because am able to post in this community for the first time through this contest by @steemithealth, I thank he/she for organizing this contest about birth for us. We all have different stories to talk about our birth, our birth is a very special experience for parents and they cherish it alot, u quickly talk about my opinion in the contest.

Tell us in the most creative way, What is the story of your birth?

The story of my birth is brief and interesting. According what I was told by my parents few years ago. My parents said that they only wanted 2 children and they were already done giving birth to children. My elder brother and sister.

Years later, for your information my elder sister is older than me with lots of years but not more than 4 years. When my elder sister had grown a little, my father had the thought of having another son and my mum jokingly told him that what is the next baby she's about to deliver, turns out to be a girl. My father laughed and said he will make her deliver another one.


Luckily for my father, my mum gave birth to a boy which is me. My father was so happy and joyous, I heard that he worshipped my mother like a queen and my siblings were also jealous of me because our parents was drawing their attention towards me only. This was how I was born, everybody including my parents friends, were excited about my birth then.

Have you had any particular experience with a pregnant woman?

Yes I have, there was a time I was living with my aunty, my elder sister and I went to take care of her, it was last year august during the summer holiday. My aunty had only one month left to deliver her baby. We were all waiting patiently for the arrival of the baby.

I discovered something while staying with her, the more her month of delivery gets closer, the more weaker she becomes. This happens because the baby in her womb is growing and getting bigger. My elder sister and I did alot of work for our aunty, she was also eating lots of exercise to keep the baby and her healthy.


My aunty used to look stressed and timid then, she avoids anything that gives her stress because is not good for her situation and my elder sister and I with her husband too, were also by her side to help her whenever she needs our help. Although my aunty used to engage in few activities so that she wouldn't be completely lazy. After my aunty gave birth to a baby girl which is her first child, she became a little bit fat and more cute.

Did you inherit any disease from your parents? Tell us the details.

I didn't inherit any disease from my parents because my parents are always healthy, whenever they are sick, it doesn't take them up to 3 days to fully recover.

I know of people who becomes sicklers after their parents who were both AS refused to depart and marry someone else. This is a very bad thing in our society today because they help up stressing the children they have brought to earth, children will be getting sick here and there and most of these sicklers eventually die. Am glad have been healthy and strong from the day of my birth till now, I only suffer from minor sickness.

During your childhood, Do you remember any recurring illnesses?

Yes I do remember a particular illness that was always affecting me every two years and sometimes one year. This sickness is known as Malaria. I was always having malaria probably because of the bad state of my area, most times stagnant water is always seen close to my house and this has made it possible for mosquitoes to always bite and infect me.


My body always disturb me and I used to get worried and bored because I won't be able to do anything except pressing of phone, I normally lack the appetite to oress phone sometimes and I also find it difficult to eat. I always stay indoors and the only thing I do comfortably in such condition is playing of football ☺️ The more I play football, the more I become healthier and recover quickly.


The story of my birth is a story I will never forget, if not my father needed another male child, I won't be posting here today and non of you will know me. I also have a younger brother, my parents wanted a female child but God gave them another boy. Everything happens for a though. Thanks for reading.

I Invite @lhorgic, @b-naj, @sofian88 and @afrizalbinalka to participate in this contest.

25% to @smilenigeria


Good to see your entry dear friend...Am not surprised your parent were happy on seeing you, Africans love male children lols. It's nice reading the story around your birth. I wish you the very best friend. #steem-on.


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