SECS 8 Week 6: How do I want to grow old?

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Hello everyone in this great community of great minds I believe we're all doing well in Good health of mind and body it feels nice to be back in this great community and I'm once again here to participate in this contest where I have learnt a lot from other users. Here is my entry

Question 1 -How do you want to age: healthy and energetic or limited and dependent on medication?

Growing old in good health and mind and energetic is almost every young man's dream, beautiful it will be when you grow old and too some extent can still do some of the things you can do when you were young. So yes I would love to be healthy and energetic when I grow old so I can reach my full potentials and achieve somethings that I couldn't achieve when I was younger because as they say age brings wisdom and a sense of urgency.

Question 2 -What are you doing to reach the old age you long for?

Although not easy, reaching this milestone will require hard work i.e regular exercises, eating healthy food and practicing a healthy lifestyle in general. This will require time, sacrifice and discipline and consistency and especially money to maintain. Although I haven't got much money as I have desired I have made it a point of duty to make sure I exercise regularly and eat healthy food as much as I can afford while working to become better on the things I can't afford.

Question 3 -Are you afraid of growing old, yes or no? Justify your answer.

When I was much more younger I use to admire my elder ones because of the amount of freedom they have especially at home. usually I'm the one that does all the house works and domestic works so because of that I really wanted to grow old. smiles so I can have and enjoy the freedom they have. As time flies and I'm becoming older I become so afraid of getting old because of the responsibility that comes with getting old i.e I have to fend for myself, take life or make life changing decisions that will change my life for good or worst. Making this decision was never easy as it comes with so many challenges but I believe I have made the right decision towards my destiny. As the saying goes, you look like your parents when you're born and as become older you look like the decisions you made.

Question 4 -Do you have any experience to share with us about an older adult who is an example for you to follow?


My dad has always been my hero I love the way my dad loves my mum my dad is a role model for me as regarding family life. There was a day we had nothing to eat at home things were not working out because of the current no cash situation in my country Nigeria. things got so hard that it became difficult for for my dad to provide for us, one faithful evening I went to church and came back only to find food on the table to be honest I wasn't expecting that my mum was happy and everybody was happy and ate what my dad had bought that night although we didn't know the source of it, it was as the following day my dad asked me for my phone to make a call to his friend I was surprised because he has never asked me such before. After making the call, I asked him daddy where is your phone he smiled and answered me that you eat my phone last night as dinner I couldn't watch you mum not eating anything before going to bed so I had to sell my phone to provide for the family tires rolled down my eyes as I watched him speak he tapped me on the back and said family is everything and I have that mindset now that no matter what family comes first. My dad is my role model and a perfect example for me to follow.


Thank you so much reading through my post I hope you had an amazing time reading through it, and at the same time see the need to be old and strong and be determined to work towards it. I will also want to invite my friends @v-brainer @levi-promis @solexybaba to participate in this contest


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