The Health Diary Game, April 02, 2022: Curating with Steemcurator03 and living a healthy lifestylesteemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year
The alarm rings loudly. I woke up weak and with eyes that still want to go back to sleep. I got up and heated the sambal and made a clear vegetable spinach soup as a complement to this Sahur menu.


Besides being healthy, clear vegetable soup as a breakfast menu makes us not easily thirsty during the day. I always avoid foods that contain fat, and oil and are too sweet at dawn.

While waiting for the dawn call to prayer to ring out, I spread out my mat and did light exercises to stretch my muscles and relieve sleepiness. Fifteen minutes later, the dawn call to prayer resounds. I perform the morning prayer. Then read sheet after sheet of the holy Koran.


My Sahoor menu

Unrealized, we are almost halfway into the month of Ramadan. May this Ramadan be a field of merit and be the cause for me to enter his heaven. Ramadan is a month full of blessings.

At noon, I upvoted myself first as a sign that I had taken over the Steemcurator03 account. After curating some quality posts, I'm back to the kitchen.


Cucumber suri water and Nutrijel

I opened the refrigerator and looked at the available fruits to be made as a sweet drink when breaking the fast later. In the fridge, there are Cucumber Suri and Nutrijel sachets.

I take both and process them as a drink when breaking the fast later. I love the mango-flavored Nutrijel. And it doesn't take long. Within 20 minutes, I had served both. Then put it in the fridge.


Prepare the iftar menu

After the Asr prayer, I clean the milkfish. I haven't eaten grilled milkfish in a long time. And during fasting, I have never eaten grilled fish. I like grilled fish more than grilled chicken.

After breaking the fast, I curated again. There weren't many new contest posts today. Most posts within the #contest hashtags are contest winner announcement posts. I enjoy breaking the fast deliciously.

Not long after, the evening call to prayer resounded. I recited the prayer and curated it again after the tarawih prayer. When finished, I filled out the spreadsheet form and chose the best post of the day.

That's my game diary post today. Have a nice day. Thanks to the Steemit team and Steemian friends who always support me. I appreciate it.


Very interesting post. I enjoyed reading everything bit of it. It’s very good to know that you are eating healthy🙂. You are doing very great. Keep up the good work 👍🏼


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