in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year




While in school, we were taught that drugs is any substance (other than food) that alters a person's physical or mental state. Drugs could come in solid form or liquid form. Drugs help to prevent or cure sicknesses. But drugs can be abused; abusing drugs means the excessive use of drugs or wrong prescription of drugs.
But I will be writing on the use of hard or illegal drugs, this is a form of drug abuse. There are some hard substances like cocaine, marijuana, meth, heroine, etc, which are easily abused.
Abusing of drugs is wrong and should be refrained from as it could lead to mental disorder and possibly death.

What do you understand by the phrase "Say No to Drugs!". Why it is important?

Say no to drugs!, Is more of an awareness phrase that shows that there are consequences for the abuse of drugs.
Whenever one sees the say no to drug message, it brings to the knowledge of that person how harmful the abuse of drugs can be. It is a short phrase that conveys a very powerful message that could either help or mar one's life.
This message is very important as it as helped to put some young people who may want to abuse drugs in order. It has tried to help people to shun drugs

Say no to drugs!!

What are the main causes of the drug addiction? And tell me about a severe case of drug addiction which lead to serious results in the end.

The abuse of drugs, brings addictions. Addiction is a state whereby a person can't stay without the intake (abuse)of this drugs, and mostly in excess. People who are addicted to a particular addictive substance, know the harm it does to their body but can't stop abusing or taking this substances. The main causes of addiction are:

Pressure from peers: A lot of people get addicted over time because of the kind of friends they have. Friends who abuses drugs can lure or pressurise a person into taking this substances. And when one has an accomplice in abusing drugs, it becomes very difficult to stop, thereby causing addiction.

Environmental factors: The kind of environment one grows up in, has a big impact on them. If a person grows up in an environment that is saturated with drug abuse, soon the person might actually be a drug abuser.

Experiences in Life: Going through challenges is capable of causing people to resort to substance abuse in an attempt to get their minds off these challenges.



There was a young boy in our neighborhood who became addicted with marijuana and some other hard substances. Well he started out like every young boy out there who wanted the best out of life but he was influenced by his father.
His dad used to send him to get cigarettes, and when he is done buying, the dad will give him one to smoke also. He started out smoking cigarettes, from there he smoked marijuana and took some other hard substances. He became so addicted that he was always seen in dark places and he looked so gloomy and tattered.

He wore dirty clothes and didn't take his bathe, had lot of Foul body smells. After some years, the drugs addiction affected his mental state and also his health. Right now he is walking the streets as a semi- mad person. He walks naked everyday, jumps imaginary gutters and mirages on the road.

This is the true story of a young brilliant boy, whose life was damaged because of addiction to drugs.


What are the best ways to control the wide spread of the drug addiction? Give some suggestions.

Awareness: One of the best ways to stop the wide spread of drug addiction is telling people the harm drugs would do to them when it is abused. A social awareness program like the say no to drugs is really important.

Banning the use of some of the drugs that are mostly abused. Most times this substances are sold to teens, when it shouldn't be done that way. Illegal sellers of hard substances should be arrested too, as this will help to reduce the wide spread of drugs that can be abused.

Drug addicts should also be given therapy, to help them out of drug addiction


Thanks for reading my post.

I invite @onlyonefave, @isaacbeechan10 and @davidmarkgeorge to participate in this contest.


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