Steemit Engagement challenge season8week3~Smoking kills

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago

Hello friends,
It’s week 3 already of the engagement challenge and this week’s topic is an interesting one for each and everyone of us to learn from. Read along with me as I share my own thoughts.

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Give your views about the phrase ‘smoking kills’

Seeing the dire warning that "smokers are viable to die young" printed on every cigarette package in my own nation of Nigeria is enough evidence to convince me that smoking is truly fatal. Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death from all causes in every country on Earth, including Nigeria. This includes lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and emphysema.
The nicotine in cigarettes is very addicting, which is one of the many negative aspects of this habit. The nicotine in cigarettes is largely responsible for its addictive properties. Tobacco's nicotine triggers a surge of adrenaline and a feeling of well-being because it relays information from the smoker's senses to their brain. Most smokers have an extreme sense of well-being during and after a session, and depending on the substance being smoked, this euphoria might lead to criminal behavior.
Why, then, does the government continue to let big retailers to sell tobacco goods despite the obvious risks?
Actually, smoking was developed specifically for people living in severely cold locations so that they could unwind and find equilibrium between their own internal systems and the chilly environment. Addiction has developed to the point where some users consume as much as five packs in a single day. It's important to remember that just like smoking, misusing or taking too much of anything that goes into the human body—be it food, exercise, or drugs—can have negative consequences.

What are the main Reasons why people become Addicted to Smoking?

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Below are a few reasons;

  • Influence of the Peers
    To be accepted or seen as "cool" among peers during adolescence can have serious emotional and social consequences, as anyone who has been there can attest.
    Nevertheless, peer pressure is not something that only affects youngsters. People may desire to start smoking in order to feel accepted at work because smokers have a tendency to form strong bonds with one another. A person who is looking to add more significance to their lives could take up smoking in order to meet new people and feel more accepted.

  • Institutionalized parental guidance
    A child's development relies heavily on their relationships with both parents. Hence, the chances of a child who is exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis while growing up at home are doubled when compared to the chances of a child who is raised in a home without smokers.
    Meanwhile, parents who are too lax with their children risk increasing the likelihood that their children may be influenced by media portrayals of smokers in a good manner. And even if they don't start smoking themselves, kids might try it out if they see their parents using it.

  • Media's Power to Impact
    The media has a tremendous impact on the public's perception of smokers. This happens all the time, in all places, in all eras. As a result, many young people may view smoking as cool and desirable because so many film characters do it.

  • Contributions from heredity
    It has been demonstrated through research that there may be a hereditary component to drug use. Tobacco products like cigarettes, which contain the addictive substance nicotine, are the focus of this study. Research on the genetics of addiction, while interesting, should not be misconstrued as proof that the propensity to substance abuse runs in families. It has to do with how likely someone is to pick up undesirable behaviors like smoking.

  • stress Factor
    When under pressure, some people turn to cigarettes as a means of self-medicating. Even if they started smoking for the relaxing effect of the nicotine, stress might induce some people to become habitual smokers.

Are by you addicted to smoking, or someone you may know have addicted to smoking? What changing have you seen after addiction?

There is no nicotine in my system because I do not smoke. Yet, I have a guy whose smoking addiction is so severe that I truly fear for his life. My pal can't even talk to you for a minute before he reaches for his cigarette pack. One day I plucked up the courage to ask him about his smoking habit and why he started. He told me straight out that he doesn't get any satisfaction out of smoking and that he only started doing it because of the demands of his job. He wanted to blend in with his coworkers on the oil rigs, so he started smoking to mimic their habits. As he took up smoking, he noticed a drastic alteration in his appearance. It's not just that he's darker and paler; he's also constantly ill, his lips have darkened, and the bottoms of his feet have darkened, too. It doesn't matter how much he eats, his appearance is always unhealthy.

What should we do to reduce the rate of smoking addiction?

  • Surround yourself with nonsmokers.
    Possessing folks who can have positive impact would be ideal. Just as being near smokers can tempt nonsmokers to pick up the habit, being around nonsmokers can keep smokers occupied without prompting them to light up. As a corollary, a smoker who wants to stop should let their friends know. A person who smokes will feel better after venting about their problems, and it may serve as a distraction. A smoker can be warned in advance that talking about upbeat topics would help ease their anxiety.

  • Enroll in a Smoking Cessation Program.
    One of the best things a smoker can do for his or her mental and emotional health is to find a support group that will point him or her in the correct way and help him or her fight urges while going through withdrawal and stress. In addition, "Nicotine Replacement Therapy" can help guide participants through the process of controlling their cravings while they are participating in a program.

  • Have something to do with your hands
    When people are bored, they may light up a cigarette. They can avoid the temptation to smoke by keeping their hands busy with something else, such as a game or a stress ball. They can keep themselves active in other ways besides only using their hands. They can, for instance, arrange to watch a movie or have supper at a smoke-free restaurant, as well as exercise, drink lots of water, eat healthily, and so on.

  • Power of Will
    Think of what would drive them. People are more likely to stick with a task if they have a clear idea of what they hope to accomplish in the end. Similarly, if they know why they should stop, they won't let that thought wander. The reasons people avoid exposure to others might range from health concerns to parental concerns about their own children. Tobacco smokers have complete autonomy in determining their motivation.

  • Remain Upbeat
    It's natural for a smoker to long for a return visit every so often. They ought to pause for a moment of reflection on how far they have come. Keep on, and don't give up. They shouldn't give up hope just because they've tried and failed before. There's no loss in falling down and getting back up again, as long as you learn something from each attempt.


Worldwide, smoking is responsible for a plethora of health problems. One of the ingredients is nicotine, which is very addictive. Smoking should never be begun for any reason, as it is extremely difficult to quit. Instead of turning to smoking to relieve pressure from friends and family and low mood, people should look for healthier alternatives.

I will like to invite @patjewell @bela90 to join in this contest.


It sounds like your friend may be experiencing some serious health problems related to his smoking habit. While it's understandable that he may have felt pressure to fit in with his coworkers on the oil rigs, his health should always come first.

You could try talking to him about the serious health risks associated with smoking, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. You could also encourage him to see a doctor to get a full check-up and discuss his smoking habit with a medical professional.

Sure! Thank you

Ya your welcome 🤠

Hello Dear, @beautiefair

I really enjoyed reading your post. More like you also participated in this challenge. This is a really nice engagement challenge content. People face many problems due to smoking. People suffer from various diseases. People die. Smoking causes death. So we will all refrain from this bad act. Anyway, best wishes to you.

 2 years ago 

Nice to see your participation here!

Smoking is very injurious to health and the nicotine and tobacco that present in cigarettes very disturbs our all system of body and also cause the hormonal imbalances and specially cause a bigger obstruction during the respiration

The person who smokes cigarette and have it on daily basis after 10 to 15 years accounting to a research there lungs move towards the lungs cancer and then its very difficult for them to recover themselves so it should be very important to treat the smoker by rehabilitation at early level

I am glad to know from you that you are not a smoker so you should also regarding the dangers of smoking because it's very important to spread awareness regarding its negative effects.

 2 years ago 


Muy buena tu publicación, ese es un gran problema, las gentes sufre de diversas enfermedades y lo peor que no toman conciencia caen en la adicción y mueren .

Saludos éxitos en el concurso

Thanks friend

friend I really enjoy your publication, but especially with your closing words, you are right the cigarette is very addictive due to nicotine, instead of falling for it, we should seek help in another way.
successes in the contest.

Thanks friend

Friend @beautiefair, you have also written very good content, it is true that people smoke more in cold areas, but the chances of getting asthma also increase in cold areas. You rightly said that not getting the right knowledge at a young age, negative advertisement and impact of the media leads the society to this path. First of all, we have to make the community strong as much as possible and we also have to avoid second hand smoking.

Sure! Thank you

Hola amiga tienes mucha razón las personas se inician en el vicio del cigarrillo por varias causas como el stress, por imitación de los familiares y amigos o por influencia de las redes sociales o la televisión, me gustó mucho tus opiniones sobre el tema te deseo mucho éxito en el concurso

Thanks friend

 2 years ago 

Oh gosh!
I pray every day that my stepson doesn't fall from pressure from his friends as 9 out of 10 time it is where smoking starts, that peer pressure that you have mentioned.
Smoking is just bad and there is nothing that can make it better.
I feel so sorry for those who are addicted to it.
Thanks for the invite and good luck with the contest!


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