"Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3: Smoking Kills"
Hello my fellow contestants greetings to you all and happy new week I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Wow, what an interesting topic I am so happy for having the privilege to write about smokers, I hope after this anyone who is a drug addict will stop the habit.
Give your views about the phrase "Smoking Kills!".
The phrase means smokers are risk of death if they should continue smoking all the time. It is a message that is passed across to every people by federal ministry of health like in the case of NIGERIA.
What are the main reasons why people become addicted to smoking?
Reasons why people are;
- Peer pressure
- Stress factors
- Genetic factors
But some Smokers can't stay Within seconds of inhaling cigarette smoke, or chewing tobacco, nicotine causes the release of dopamine in the brain, which gives people a good feeling some call it (vibes). Always, the brain begins to desire that feeling from nicotine, and nicotine increases the brain chemical called "neurotransmitters" which helps to continue mood and behavior.
Smoke see's smoking as problems solve, I remembered when I asked a friend why did he love smoking all the time, and he replied saying, that he loves been in high they call it high on life, that when ever his high he forgets his pains, and I told I don't see that as a good reason because when you aren't high your pains won't go away.
I always say that smoking has 0 benefits in your life. Bluff will only slow your thinking and lower your focus.
Are you addicted to smoking, or someone you may now have addicted to smoking? What changing have you seen after addiction?
I am not addicted to smoking, but I know peoples who are addicted to smoking some normally put it inside their meal which is very bad, is not wrong to smoke but do it with a good reason and not all the time, because smoker are liable to die young.
Smoking can easily cause; cancer heart and lungs diseases etc.
The only change I see when someone is addicted to smoking is that they continue to put more effort in smoking and 0 effort to stop, you continue smoking despite health problems.
What should we do to reduce the rate of smoking addiction?
When someone is addicted to smoking, in order to help them quit cigarettes
1: Warning about the dangers of smoking to their health.
2: warnings on packaging/wrapping, using anti-smoking advertising, and encouraging the social media to share messages about the harmfulness associated with smoking.
Smoking can cause low level of incomes, especially in the youths.
I hope with all these smokers will try their possible best to quit smoking because it's a bad habit, thank you all for devoting your precious time to read this post, hope you find it interesting.
Will try participating.
Thanks for the invite.
Hola Amigo
Buena entrada 😊 deberíamos de hacer campañas para que suban los costos de los cigarros para que menos personas puedan adquirirlo y así reducir la tasa de fumadores .
Fumar mata y eso ya es un hecho comprobado, esperemos no entrar en ese lote de personas que lo hacen .
Te deseo mucho éxito en tu participación
Hola @anthony002
Muchas gracias por participar en el challenge, y por dejarnos ver lo que piensas sobre este controversial tema.
Estoy de acuerdo en que fumar deja 0 beneficios, es así que no me explico porque la gente empieza y continúa en algo tan absurdo como inhalar humo y botarlo. Porque finalmente lo que hacer es quemar el dienro que seguro con esfuerzo lo ganan.
Pero el mundo es así, un poco incomprensible, lo mejor es mantenerse lejos de todo vicio, y cuidarse.
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