Tips for Dressing for Petite Bodies to Look Tall

in GLOBAL STEEM3 days ago

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For those of you who have a body that is not too tall, I have tips for you to look taller.

Here he is.

Having a petite body certainly feels less confident for some people. However, don't be discouraged. For those of you who have a body that is not very tall, but want to look more confident, you can make your body look taller, by trying the following fashion tips.

The first thing you can do is wear the right shoes. To make your body look taller, you can wear shoes in plain colors, which match your skin color.


Using shoes with a model like this, can add a level effect to your feet.

Another color option, make sure you wear dark colored shoes with tapered toes. Shoes of this type can add a longer impression to your feet.

Another way is to use vertical lines on your trousers. By using this method, your eyes will be more focused on the line from top to bottom, so it will add a higher effect to your feet.

Apart from that, you can look taller by wearing chokers. A necklace with this model will attract the attention of the people around you to pay more attention to the necklace and the top of your head.

A necklace with this model, can also make your neck look longer, thus giving the impression of height on your body.

The last, monochromatic colors, also play an important role and also make people of short stature look taller.

By wearing clothes in shades of a single color from top to bottom, you can look taller than usual. However, avoid dividing your body with two different colors, because it will make your body look short.

Well.... Good luck, friends, Globa Steem.

Well, that's it for looking taller. If, for example, you look at it from your feet, it is actually also one of the tricks to make people look more confident. So, if, for example, you are using a lejing, the lejing is also vertical.

But actually, like this, we have to be confident first in our body, so that other people will see it as good too. Yes, right ?

Whether you want to be small, you want to be tall, you want to be fat, you want to be thin, but if, for example, we are already confident, people will definitely see it as good. Just how do we choose the items that we wear on our bodies, so that we look more pretty.

Hope it is useful.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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