The Importance of Our Vacations And Traveling

in GLOBAL STEEM3 years ago


Hello everyone!

In this post I will discuss, about the holidays.

Well, so sometimes we face, when it's time for holidays, we as parents have to get ready to take our children where? Is it only at home, but of course giving time, or quality time for the child on the holiday.

So it's like this, so that there won't be a misunderstanding, I want to go through one by one, what's a vacation?


Vacation is from the word "holiday", what is holiday?
Before it became a "vacation", it was a holiday first.
Holiday has a meaning, it means being free from work, or going to school, so holidays are free to work, for people who work, free to go to school, for those who go to school.

Then what is the difference between work holidays and school holidays? This is very different, work holidays, those who take a lot of holidays are people who work, when school holidays, the children who go to school are the ones who take a lot of holidays. Yes, that's the definition.

Then during holidays, that means we are free from work, or go to school. So vacation is a free period from work, or a free period from going to school.

When we talk about holidays, it becomes a polemic, for families, especially those who already have children, sometimes we get stuck on time and economic issues, actually I'm a bit horrified, listening to my friends on vacation abroad, especially if there are parents who confide in me, he was a bit burdened, because once he entered school, other friends could tell stories, take a plane vacation, go to America, we don't say people who vacation in America must be arrogant, surely they are economically capable, right?

But in my opinion, actually vacation is the same as "Refreshing" it's refreshing divided into three Re-Fre-Shing, so if you just press the Re key, what's important about the song is Re. So if it's a vacation, if it's not really important, you don't have to go abroad, just in Indonesia.

So, if you go abroad first, the price of goods increases, secondly, the language there is a bit difficult, for example if you have a stray child, I have been to China before, I was hungry, it was difficult to find rice, apparently, the Chinese language is Kancesi, if you want to look for Kancebur porridge, if in Chinese the dog is out of the cage, so sometimes, for example, if you take your child abroad, it is more dangerous. That's why I don't want to have children yet.

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Second, there are many diseases abroad, so it is very dangerous. For example, if it's not really important, it's better to stay in Indonesia.

Here is a good quote that I quoted from a philosopher from Germany, so that my writing looks cool and wise, I will translate it when he said it.

"Everyday life, like a group of people who race to run, to be the fastest, to be the greatest, in the mastery of knowledge, working to achieve the highest power, and wealth as much as possible, then devour everything greedily, including spending it, buying a symbol of success, no matter the people around you, jealous or envious, if there is no pause, it can make someone uprooted from their human roots, and become meaningless in the eyes of others, because they only become slaves to their greedy desires"

Because holidays are needed, as is the meaning of taking yourself out, relaxing, so that the soul is free and can enjoy the time. Remember the words of Bruce Lee, the legendary kung fu. He said this.

"empty your cup, so that it can be filled again, by returning to empty space, we will achieve perfection"

Life, daily life that continues to spur and trigger the brain and heart, is indeed like, a person whose glass is constantly filled, until it overflows, and the water is everywhere, and conditions like that, will make a person not care about others, and only see his own ego. themselves, so that they no longer want to enjoy the wisdom and virtues of those around them

Holidays invite us to free the soul, empty the cup of life. With an empty cup in hand, we will again be humble. And humility is the beginning of learning, even two people love each other, it is necessary to take a vacation to take a distance from each other, so that love does not become a mere routine, just carrying out obligations without meaning

Once again, happy holidays, in the words "Holiday there is a word "Holi" take a break from the routine of life, so that you can return to the sanctity of the soul.

CC: @shahriar33

Best regards always.

By @midiagam


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