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RE: Книжковий хробачок, огляд 39: Ну просто нереальна штука - Little bookworm, review 39: Just an increadible thing

Oh man, you really should have given the answer before heading to lunch.

Title: The Old Man and The Sea
Author: Ernest Hemingway


This time, and even if I didn't win, I can say with satisfaction that I found the complete page.

I had a hard time searching, I thought it wasn't The old man and the sea, so I was looking for a way to find what the page was...

I wrote a list of words that can be seen there: "Poison", "agua", "hiplash", "loved", "horny", and a very strange one: that I couldn't see well, but I already saw what it is:

What occurred to me was to look for a PDF and search for the words and voila, I found at least the exact page, and there is no doubt that yes, it is the novel "The Old Man and the Sea." by Ernest Hemingway.

I was saying that this time I feel satisfied because I know it is the correct answer even if I didn't discover it in time:

Es la pagina 12, 13 y 14 en este doc:

Screenshot 2024-06-08 155705.png

Excellent work. I tried looking for British authors and searched a few of my favorites. Of course, this didn't look like Rowling's work. Then I tried to look up American authors, including my favorite, Harper Lee. For a second, I thought it might be Harper, considering the H hint, but her writing is more philosophical, and this picture seemed more narrative in style.

I'm surprised I've never heard about Hemingway. I looked him up, and he resembles George R. R. Martin with a smaller beard. 🤣

Wow Hemingway is very famous... It's strange that you haven't heard him mentioned before.

But the novel The Old Man and the Sea is short, if you want to read it😁

I'll definitely give it a try

Bonus vote for good detective work and a good explanation of how you found it.

Oh wow, thank you so much!

What I saw is that these tests allow us to develop detective work and that is great!

Thanks again, I'll keep an eye out for the next ones.🤗🌺


Didn’t need to. It’s not about the prizes for me. I wanted to give enough so that sc01 knew that I knew the answer but not so much to ruin it for everybody else.

Well done on getting it though 👍🏼

Thank you for holding off on the answer.

If I'd have known somebody else would solve it 42 minutes later...

It was fun to share it with my in-laws though. Tormenting them with clues like "the old man should be able to work it out". Them thinking I'm being rude again.

It's a shame they're getting solved so quickly - I expected this one to take longer.



Great to see such thoughtfulness and consideration for others. Thanks for keeping the fun alive for everyone 👍🏼

Congratulations, you figured it out, like the-gorilla said :-)

Thank you! 😊 It was a fun challenge but it was quite an easy one.

Yes friend! It would be great and very important if you explain how you found it? 😊

Google books it is! 😊

Oh yes, I already saw how to do the search there, great, thank you :D

My Pleasure! 👍

Congratulations on being the first to post the correct book title and author.

Did you know the book, or did you manage to find it by doing an image lookup on the web?

Thanks! Image lookup wasn’t an option since it was a shredded piece, but I found it through Google Books in just 2 minutes. Anything documented on Google is easy to find if you know how. The hashtag challenge was much more difficult and really creative.

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