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RE: Книжковий хробачок, огляд 39: Ну просто нереальна штука - Little bookworm, review 39: Just an increadible thing

Hope you don't mind @inber.

Just parking another #flashquiz here...

 2 months ago 

No problem))

Help me rebuild my library...

In this digital world I thought printed books were only for old men so I started shredding them 😨

Now I have changed my mind and I want to stick the pieces back together.

Can you identify which book this is from?


#flashquiz 002 - 25% vote

(Title & author to win)

To keep up with this pace, I need to learn English 🤔 (I woke up late I think)

I've got it 🙂

I initially thought it was Robinson Crusoe but it's not.

I've never read it but I'm pleased that my determination and perseverance has been rewarded.

I'm heading out for lunch now - catch you later 🙋‍♂️

Oh man, you really should have given the answer before heading to lunch.

Title: The Old Man and The Sea
Author: Ernest Hemingway

This time, and even if I didn't win, I can say with satisfaction that I found the complete page.

I had a hard time searching, I thought it wasn't The old man and the sea, so I was looking for a way to find what the page was...

I wrote a list of words that can be seen there: "Poison", "agua", "hiplash", "loved", "horny", and a very strange one: that I couldn't see well, but I already saw what it is:

What occurred to me was to look for a PDF and search for the words and voila, I found at least the exact page, and there is no doubt that yes, it is the novel "The Old Man and the Sea." by Ernest Hemingway.

I was saying that this time I feel satisfied because I know it is the correct answer even if I didn't discover it in time:

Es la pagina 12, 13 y 14 en este doc:

Screenshot 2024-06-08 155705.png

Excellent work. I tried looking for British authors and searched a few of my favorites. Of course, this didn't look like Rowling's work. Then I tried to look up American authors, including my favorite, Harper Lee. For a second, I thought it might be Harper, considering the H hint, but her writing is more philosophical, and this picture seemed more narrative in style.

I'm surprised I've never heard about Hemingway. I looked him up, and he resembles George R. R. Martin with a smaller beard. 🤣

Wow Hemingway is very famous... It's strange that you haven't heard him mentioned before.

But the novel The Old Man and the Sea is short, if you want to read it😁

I'll definitely give it a try

Bonus vote for good detective work and a good explanation of how you found it.

Oh wow, thank you so much!

What I saw is that these tests allow us to develop detective work and that is great!

Thanks again, I'll keep an eye out for the next ones.🤗🌺


Didn’t need to. It’s not about the prizes for me. I wanted to give enough so that sc01 knew that I knew the answer but not so much to ruin it for everybody else.

Well done on getting it though 👍🏼

Thank you for holding off on the answer.

If I'd have known somebody else would solve it 42 minutes later...

It was fun to share it with my in-laws though. Tormenting them with clues like "the old man should be able to work it out". Them thinking I'm being rude again.

It's a shame they're getting solved so quickly - I expected this one to take longer.



Great to see such thoughtfulness and consideration for others. Thanks for keeping the fun alive for everyone 👍🏼

Congratulations, you figured it out, like the-gorilla said :-)

Thank you! 😊 It was a fun challenge but it was quite an easy one.

Yes friend! It would be great and very important if you explain how you found it? 😊

Google books it is! 😊

Oh yes, I already saw how to do the search there, great, thank you :D

Congratulations on being the first to post the correct book title and author.

Did you know the book, or did you manage to find it by doing an image lookup on the web?

Thanks! Image lookup wasn’t an option since it was a shredded piece, but I found it through Google Books in just 2 minutes. Anything documented on Google is easy to find if you know how. The hashtag challenge was much more difficult and really creative.

I don't know if it will be right, but I tried a little 🫣

Rich & Rodriguez


Greetings sir,
Could you give a hint whether the title or author's name contains H alphabet?

Thank you very much sir. This is my first guess,,

Title : House of Leaves
Author : Mark Z. Danielewski

No es es en sí un libro es como una biografía:
El rey del petróleo: La vida secreta de Marc Rich

If I'm correct, he begins where the-mrs-gorilla is from.

Is Mrs-Gorilla from Cuba?

That would also have been a very good clue since Ernest Hemingway spent different times in Cuba, from there he was inspired to write the Old Man and the Sea... :-)

This was when I thought it was Robinson Crusoe. Your line of enquiry made me reconsider. Long weekend?

Unless this is some crazy start to round 3?

Does Mrs-gorilla have a favorite football club in London?

Ha ha. No. She's a Hull fan 🙂

What's Mr-Gorilla's first language?

Je parle Anglais

What's Mrs-Gorilla's first language?

Sie Spricht auch English.

I’m starting to suspect that he didn’t set sail from Hull.

My eyes need to look bigger. 👁️👁️ I'll keep looking and see a winner. #flashquiz competition is really fun. (• , •)

Well, I think

Title:- The Old Man and the Sea

Author :- Ernest Hemingway

A nice one 😊

Paulo Coelho: Eleven Minutes

Greetings Sir,
I guess the book is Agua Agüita/Water, little water by Jorge Tetl Argueta. Just a guess😃

I think you are referring to a passage from Shakespeare's play. Maybe "Hamlet" or "Henry V."

Because of the tight schedule, I am late this time but @inspiracion you did a great job, and yes all the information you shared is correct, now I have to keep my eyes open for the next one, it's innovative and interesting! 🤔🧐



Thank you to everyone who took part in #flashquiz 002.

This one seems to have been too easy. I will have to increase the memory capacity for the next one.

There may be a short break as I need to pick up some supplies in case I have to GOOD real quick.


Managed to get the camera fixed.

Ready, set, GOoD...


If we are talking about the locations again:



Texas, Austin?

Memory? Ram (hybrid sheep)?

Get on board for no. 3.

Departing soon from a booming post near you...

Was caught up with curation duties and Eid festivities!

Heading there now!

That's where I landed.

I think that GOoD is "Get Out of Dallas". The store being outside of Dallas 🙂

I might as well share the pin point location now...

Costco Store


The uniquely pitched roof led me there.

How many Texas songs can you find in my reply?

As mentioned in my comment, if you move the little fella slightly, noticed how the lights above the sign change!

I think you have extra points for cracking

GOoD is "Get Out of Dallas

Ok, I am impressed

I think that’s what it is. Initially Get Out of Derby supported the Rams but wrong store. Then, Get Out of Dodge took me to Kansas (another band) but when I found the store, Dallas made sense. I can’t think what else GOO could be.

I was hoping a few music clause might have appeared but I’m guessing our sc01 has had a couple of days off.

Hi, I've got the image. I'm 100% sure of that.

I can't resist sharing some more of the sky. I know Steemit loves a photo of the sky 😉


I'm pretty sure that truck's not allowed to park there. Unbelievable. I know the parking lot's busy but say what you want - that's just lazy.

Funny fact about the image - if you move your little Google Maps fella to a very slightly different location in the parking lot, the lights on the front of the store change. I got there after all though.

I can't see much of a link with the written clues though and until I do, I won't be sharing the location.

Let's work it out together:

  1. increase the memory capacity - suggests an association with RAM - rams - the animal. I can see a link here.
  2. GOOD - Get Out Of D......?

Ah, maybe I’ve got the “D” now too.

I won't be sharing the location.

Is it about the location again?
Because I got the location too. Not off the maps though...

I was beginning to think I’m the only one playing.

What led you to the answer?

I didn't catch up earlier...

Google lens image finder...

Found a clue through my Instagram

And then

Not too different from me. I got the rams and good first then searched for stores. Then stumbled across the one with the unique features. Travelled around many car parks and even dismissed the correct answer on the initial image because the lights were different! If only I’d know then what I know now 😊

I deleted the exact address in my answer to sc01 because I wasn't even sure that the quiz was about the location again...

Did you see my answer?

The journey begins...


It is a historic site that may be under consideration for its future, from a Google search, Costco left a 16 hectare footprint in an area that is undergoing redevelopment worth more than $1 billion.

Hopefully officials will consider preserving the future of the site.

"Starting to get interested in reading about Costco"

Waiting for the next signal for a new game 😀😀🥱

Not sure but let me try it in a different way!


The first two capital laters give a hint of word GOLD
This is probably about COSTCO Gold!
I'm so proud of my creative mind 😂🤣😂

Jokes apart, I'm curious about the hint by Mr. Steem curator number one!

Hahaha 😂, a tricky one my friend.. Unable to detect it as there are clouds also in the previous one. Still then......!

Ready for the upcoming ones ......!

For us Asians #flashquiz 002 is not that easy, especially for me who is not familiar with English books.

Can't wait for the notification for #flashquiz 003, but I'm sure even @the-gorilla already has the answer for #flashquiz 003. 🤣🤣🤣

Oh, that's true, but the-gorilla has left room for others to participate :D

I’ll wait until the 1st clue in future rounds 😊 English as my native language has certainly helped with 2 out of 3.


Maybe this will be used as the object for the next quiz, I saw pink writing in it, Is that what is meant? 😃

Maybe our friend went to buy some things (good) there in Cuba? at Costco?😆

Screenshot 2024-06-09 123908.png

Don't be thrown by Cuba - The main character, Santiago, in the book "The Old Man and the Sea" is Cuban so that'll be linked to the last quiz 🙂


Oh, thank you, then we must wait for more clues 😁@sofian88

This is no longer just a hint, but you have provided the answer key.... 🤣

I'm just tying up clues... If there are more then it's something else... maybe 🤣

There I see a word in pink, I think it says: "Costco".

It is a place without a doubt...

let's wait for more clues😉

Paintings, Costco and the word GOOD.

I think SC01 will be more careful for the next round, he is worried that we will get the answer. HAHAHAHAHA

let's wait for more clues😉

Seems like an oil painting of Costco. An artist for flashquiz03 maybe?

Let the Games begin...

That's why I mentioned him, so he would give me the answer ahahahaha.

What do you think is the theme of #flashquiz 003?

It seems interesting to discuss, especially since SC01 is on break so he won't see this😂

I think he has left some last clues, hes talking about Cuba, in the last one, I don't know why he put it, since it has more to do with the previous 002🤔. But you know, anything is possible...😁 And now this image that seems like part of a painting and the word GOOD.

I've already written this down just in case.🤣

It looks like a work of art...

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