Culinary Contest | Culinary competition

in Ukraine on Steemlast month

Dear Ukraine on Steem community!

Hello friends how are you all. I hope you are all well. Alhamdulillah I am also well with your prayers. I came today again to participate in the Ukraine on steem Community Culinery Contest. My recipe today is roast beef. Hope you all know and like this dish very much. Today my father and my younger brother came to my house as a guest. So I cooked something at their owner. My brother loves beef so I made this dish for him. So let's share with you how I made this recipe,
Beef roast Recipe


All the ingredients I used to make this recipe,

2Mustard oil
3garam masala
4Turmeric powder
5Chilli powder
6Coriander powder
9garlic paste
10ginger batter

Step 1,

First take all kinds of spices in a plate.


Step 2,

After that, wash the beef well and drain the water. Then take all kinds of garam masalas in a small dish.



Step 3,

Now I will put a pan on the stove and heat the mustard oil in that pan.


Step 4,

When the oil is hot, add chopped onion to the oil.


Step 5,

When the onion is fried to a light brown color, I will pour all kinds of spices.


Step 6,

Then add garlic paste and ginger paste. Then grind the spices well.


Step 7,

Grind the masalas well until the masalas become dark in color.


Step 8,

Now I will pour the beef inside the masala. Then mix the meat with the spices well.


Step 9,

The meat should be drained for some time. Beef is more testy.


Step 10,

Then pour the minced meat into the pressure cooker. I will give enough hot water after pouring.


Step 11,

Then I will add some green chillies. After that I will put the lid of the pressure cooker.



Step 12,

After four to five whistles in the pressure cooker, I will switch off the stove.


Step 13,

Then when the meat is cooked, I will pour the meat back into the pan. After pouring add some fried cumin seeds and masala powder it is optional.


Finally my beef roast recipe is ready. Hope you will like my recipe. If I like it, I will be motivated myself. I am saying goodbye today, may God bless you all.

Thank to you,

Thank you so much

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